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Thank you for this perspective. Given that the Swedish strategy is structured for the long-term and future pandemics, I think it might be the way to go. However, in the UK, the whole thing has gotten so politicised and agenda-driven that nobody trusts the government anymore about this, and their faith in public health institutions is also eroding. This makes the ability to enact a Swedish strategy here more difficult at this time.



I wish we had more first-person assessment like this about the illness, about symptoms, about what the hospitals do, and about what the medication does to you! This is super informative, thank you.

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Some news from Germany: We had quite a strict lockdown in March/April/May, but the number of new cases was really low during the summer months and restrictions were gradually lifted, so that basically only large events with more than 1000 visitors such as concerts were forbidden. Nightclubs were also not allowed to open, and private parties such as weddings have a guest limit (which is different in each federal state).


However, even though the number of cases is still quite low compared to most other European countries, there has been a significant rise in recent days (4500 new cases today). The most affected age group is young people between 20 and 29 because they kept on partying and travelled abroad during the summer months. However, there have also been large outbreaks from Turkish weddings (that lasted a few days) and other private parties.


If a region or city has more than 50 new infections per 100.000 citizens, they need to tighten their restrictions. Big cities like Berlin, Munich, Bremen and Frankfurt have already put more restrictions in place: No alcohol in public places, stores, bars and restaurants have to close at 11 pm, and in some cities you have to wear a mask everywhere.


I was in Berlin 2 weeks ago, and the city is literally dead. There are no tourists, and all you can do is shopping and going to a restaurant.


Cologne just introduced similar measures, and the new rules will become effective tomorrow:

  • Only five people are allowed to meet in public.
  • You are not allowed to drink alcohol in public from 10 pm onwards (in Germany, drinking alcohol in public has always been allowed).
  • Alcohol must not be sold in highly frequented spaces ("partying hot spots").
  • Restaurants and bars remain open.
  • In addition to every indoor location and public transport, you also have to wear a face mask on the street.
  • Entrance to stores will be restricted (one customer per 10 qm²).
  • Inviting friends to your home is still allowed, but the city counsil advises you against doing so.

Our mayor said in a press conference: "I call upon the common sense of all citizens of Cologne that you do not host any large parties. I ask you for this sincerely. We have to bring the surge to a stillstand."


This will be a tough fall/winter.

Edited by Huntress
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That is the case here too. We've seen a big increase in new cases among students recently. There has been a lot of gatherings and events since the school year started, and the recommendations about social distancing have not been respected at these gatherings. I think that since the vast majority of those that have died here have been 70 years and older young people are starting to feel that they're not really at risk. And this is a dangerous way of thinking.

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All good wishes for your friend's speedy and complete recovery. 


First hand accounts are so useful because they dispel the rosy outlook that certain liars and charlatans want to dupe the public to accepting.


Dexamethasone has been in production for more than 50 years and is used in medicine for multiple treatment pathways. But one thing that is commonplace with dexamethasone is euphoria. What we are seeing in the White House is a direct result of that euphoria. And the thing is - it doesn't last. 


Herman Cain demonstrated much of the same trajectory, full of good news minimizing the seriousness, and he ended up dead. 

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