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Speaking of those stimulus checks, I hear Sen. Lindsey Graham and Mark Meadows are doing their damnedest to persuade Donald Trump to quash the idea.  True?

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It seems like some of the Republicans want to do different things. There is a report that said that Lindsey and Mark was trying to get the president not to do these payments. And then Lindsey came out and said that he was willing to pay up to 75% of people's income going up to $80,000. Mitt Romney was in support of one $1,000 check and said he was trying to work on some type of compromise with Lindsey to convert funding for the second check into more unemployment benefits.


Another republican senator was saying that the GOP was considering making payments for individuals who make under $95,000 a year and couples who make under $190,000. And there are some who just say they want to give people cash payments in general. Here is an article mentioning these things:




I like the two payments of $1,000 for all adult americans. and $500 dollars for each child. It's simple and won't take as much time as other plans would. A lot of people are going to need money quickly especially as more and more businesses are shutting down and people are losing their jobs. 

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Oh, they've got to be kidding.  They don't want the drive-through testing because it's "too close to home"?  The F?


I am so fed up with selfish, entitled a-holes, who are more concerned about being a little bit inconvenienced than they are about possibly being exposed, or having their loved ones become exposed, and possibly dying from a virus that shows zero signs of slowing down.  And they have the nerve to call liberals like me "snowflakes"?


God knows, I wouldn't wish the coronavirus on anyone; but maybe if more were genuinely threatened by this outbreak -- if more people actually tested positive for this thing and their bodies suffered hellaciously as a result -- maybe, it would finally sink into these idiots' heads that this is NOT just a little tickle in the back of the throat that we're dealing with here.

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Richard Marx stays "right here waiting" for more competent leadership.  (And no, he won't give up until he's satisfied.)

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Graham has been beating the drum about this for a week now. It's one of the reasons I don't believe anything will happen, or if it does, it will be watered down and only big business will benefit. If it weren't an election year it definitely wouldn't be happening. 


Graham is the ultimate piece of [!@#$%^&*]. Sadly the only people I know in SC who are against him or Trump are very elderly and likely aren't going to be voting as they have a ton of other things they're going through. I just hope there is a surprise in November (a good one, I should say).


His opponent is Jaime Harrison.



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This will get worse for him, bc he can't tolerate the daily pressure of the briefings without constant adulation and his staff never satisfy him vs. the public. He's crumbling mentally.




Apologies for Haberman:



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My first known social contact is infected - a young family friend, a student in Germany with asthma. He's quarantined away from his family, and was already concerned bc his grandfather has COPD. I'm trying to comfort people where I can. I used to be glad my grandparents didn't live to see Trump or the return of overt antisemitism and Nazism, complete with that mass shooting at the PA synagogue ten mins from their home a few years ago. Now, knowing they lived through WWII, the Depression and in Grandpa's case Spanish flu, I wish we had their wisdom - and faith - to lean on.

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