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Days: January 2020 Discussion Thread

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LH is a goddess! I've always loved her delivery - it's so quirky, but enjoyable. During this miserable Stevano mess, Anna ripping Stevano to his face was the only saving grace of the episode. SN has truly been atrocious. Even when Stefano got mad, JM still had this cool edge about him, not these hysterical tantrums.


When BB ranks as one of the DAYS top actors.... KA looks way too young to be his mom.

I really, really hate to admit it, but BB is simply fine.

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Anna is a character I really appreciate seeing, but admittedly struggle with.  A little goes a long way for me.  Stevano/Gina can't end soon enough for me.  However, I'm not looking forward to Justin inevitably turning into a doormat (or much worse, a psycho) and I am very worried about a Rope reunion.  For better or worse, I accept Gabi as an integral part of modern "Days," but her brother, Rafe, had definitely run his course.  But they have that Rafe/Carrie loose end.  And they need to figure something out for Kris Alfonso; too bad they screwed up Aiden and Ted so bad.


I really love BB but it has a lot to do with his looks, lol.  But it is wild to put Kris, Brandon, and Olivia in a row as three generations, lol.

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@DynamiteKiddo Yeah, it’s like they try to cram 4 days of dialogue during the 2 episodes they give LA/TP. But you can tell both actors enjoy the work and each other. I wish Tony & Anna were the ‘senior’ DiMera’s holding court in mansion ala Victor/Maggie just let Stefano RIP. With Kristen, Chad, etc there. 


KA is still stunning, especially with the Gina styling. But other than Rafe, is there else that she could be paired with? It’s the same issue with LK - having Kate chase Victor is just ick! 

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The DiMeras as a family are... idek.  It's crazy to have Kristen and Abby involved and not have Peter's "shadow" looming over the family, with all the company drama.  And they need a center.  Tony & Anna as reluctant patriarch and matriarch could be quite amusing, but this family does need gothic darkness.  But I hate Kate as a surrogate DiMera... I love her relationship with Chad, but it doesn't mean she has to be shoehorned as a de facto DiMera, especially when her own family was the "othered" counterpoint to the core families for so many years.


And ya, if not Rafe, Hope's other options are pretty sacrelig'... either break up a supercouple or something insane like Chad or Ben?!?  Lol!  They could try her with Justin again I guess when S&K reunite.


And I definitely don't want Kate & Vic.  Despite others' feelings about Josh Taylor (and my own sometimes), I've been holding out for Roman & Kate to be endgame all these years.

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I would gladly watch Leann Hunley "go on and on" for hours. There's a reason she's one of the very few Emmy winners the show has produced in 55 years. It's true, the writing does her no favors these days -- but she was one of my favorite characters of the 80s. I always love seeing her on screen. 

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So strange that it attributed @DynamiteKiddo's quote to me. To be clear - LA is great and would like to see her recur more often. She also was quite underrated prior to that Emmy win because of her looks (and that was right around the time she joined Dynasty).


If you rewatch that ripping Stevano scene and the way she not only delivers all that wordy and adjective-laded dialogue, but also includes several little engagements with TP,  you'll get a good glimpse of her skill and engagement.


I have a strong bias for the actors who make a true effort to sell terrible dialogue they are given v. the ones just walking through it (we know who they are). 

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