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Y&R December 2019 Discussion Thread

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Is a new group cast photo supposed to be coming out soon? Thought I mighta read a rumor about it a while back and that more opening title cast poses were being shot at the same time.


Traci is one of the only characters worth watching for now... and she is not on enough.


MS’s return has been a waste when it doesn’t have to be. Hoping that Phyllis’s story is shifting directions.


I want more Nikki and I actually wouldn’t mind more Victor.

Has anyone noticed the sets getting smaller again or is it just me?

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My family watched from the beginning - 3 older sisters - they’ve quit.  So sorry when I say I’ve tried to the rest of you once every 3 weeks.  At least I tried.  Adios.  Did Traci and Lauren ever see each other?  Did they try and make Paul NOT a crotchety old man? There’s so much wrong thank god for Tamron Hall. 

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I have, cross my heart, tried to watch again. I was excited about Chance's return, thinking there would be that Nina connection. Nary a mention of his mother or how she's doing. I still can't get over the lack of reaction from Devon when it comes to Amanda. A woman with the face of the love of his life shows up and nothing? Billy has a personality disorder? Sure, let's just power through that storyline too. Hey, let's create some faux history and make some rando a new Abbott. 


Nothing makes sense. There's no one to root for, with little to care about in general.


I'm not sure how much longer this show can stay above water.

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The odd thing is that one of the biggest worries with new characters is how to connect them. Nate and Chance are both children of popular characters. The lack of mention and playing up those relationships is baffling. JG knows how soaps work so I'm not sure why he does that. Even the worst writers would use connections like this which only make your job easier. Even with Theo I don't see the purpose of giving us a random Abbott/Brooks sibling who is dead as his father. They could've brought on Brooks as his father (Chelsea's new husband perhaps?) and brought back either John McCook, Jamie Lyn Bauer or Janice Lynde to establish his connection to Genoa City. All easy common sense solutions to problems they shouldn't have had.

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It boggles my mind that Jack hasn’t seen Amanda or at least word hasn’t traveled that someone who is the spitting image of his late good friend is in town. (Please tell me I’m wrong, someone. I’d love to be wrong here.) So much waste, but every time I tune in it’s All Chelsea, All the Time. They’ve seen the ratings. They know this sh!t isn’t resonating. Yet it seems they are doubling down.

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Y&R has 2 visionless people leading the show (Morina & Griffith). The rumor mill says that last time around when Griffith was headwriter, JFP interfered so JG melted down and left. Maybe she was right to interfere and to not want a boring show, if his current writing is any indication. Boring! Morina has done nothing as an EP to make Y&R stand above the rest of the shows. His vision is blah. Just because he was a Supervising EP for many years doesn’t make him a good EP. And by God, just NO NO NO to Sally Sussman coming back. Her last stint was about as boring as Griffith is now. Can you imagine boring, never been successful as a headwriter Sally paired with her visionless husband running the show?  A sure bet for even further ratings lows. Disaster in the making if the Sussman Morinas are running Y&R

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Sally would be meh. I do wonder how much Mal was sabotaging her to claim the HW role for himself, but little about her previous HW stints at other shows would have indicated she’d be good. I initially bought into the “Oh, but at least she knows the show” idea and regretted it.

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Whatever praise there seems to be for Sally seems to be the result of mass misinformation that has been spread by Jamey Giddens for years regarding her "talent."


Again, this woman couldn't even write compelling material for the SOAP SHE CREATED. The general boring and flat tone that plagued Generations was very much apparent in her last stint at Y&R. This woman could never craft a storyline to save her or her show's life. 


At Days, she followed JER's first stint and almost immediately they lost the solid #2 spot in the overall ratings they had leading up to that point. 


Why is she even mentioned? She's so damn irrelevant and there is no evidence to back up any type of great reputation. 


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Same here.   I rarely skipped an episode while Sally Sussman was writing.   I didn't care for her the writers who preceeded her, and haven't cared for the ones who've succeeded her.    But I thought she did all right.  Yeah, some of her material was pretty dull, but it seemed like Y&R, and it seemed to moving forward in a somewhat logical manner.  None of the other writers since about 2005 have even come close to crafting anything I've cared to watch daily. 

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Do I think there are better writers out there? Yes. But of the people who we're liable to get who could potentially write the show in a manner that's familiar with characterization I could engage with, Sally isn't a bad choice. Now, I will also say that I would feel a lot better if she were paired with someone who could inject some pizzazz into her stories, as I do agree she can get a little bit blah, but I don't think she's completely lacking in talent, either. Considering the talent pool that's left, I could think of a lot of people who would be far worse than Sally.

I also can't  totally blame Sally for DAYS losing #2 after JER. No one was going to maintain the ratings he brought. Especially considering the fact two of his most popular stories ended just before Sally took the reigns. I think it was to be expected that most anyone that took over from Reilly was going to cause the show to lose some steam.

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Hey - at the end of the day, it probably doesn’t matter who they install as HW, so perhaps Sally would be as good of a choice as any. The constant turnover and jarring reboots have been just as damaging as anything, and it sounds like the BTS has been incredibly chaotic. It might not be a job Sally wants again after what she endured the first time—who knows?

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