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I have not yet seen Friday's episode yet, but I just wanted to comment that while it seems that the majority here do not like the twist with Franco getting Drew Cain's memories, I have to admit that I have found the idea intriguing.  I was getting tired of the scenes of Franco, Elizabeth, and the boys being portrayed as a modern day Cleaver family.  Something had to give.  It was a clever way to re-scramble the canvas. 


If worse to comes to worst, they can  load most of the current cast on a plane that crashes and implant Steve Hardy's memories in Cameron and Jessie Brewer's memories in Trina.  Then, the show could start all over again with a clean slate.  JK

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It's stupid that they're giving Franco Drew's memories right as Drew is being written off. Not that I love Drew or anything, but there's a ton of beats to this story that can no longer be played with him gone. I love how Sam had like zero reaction to learning that her daughter's father's plane vanished? The actors aren't even trying. Mo having his lines written on his hand is an absolute embarrassment (but he always is).


The baby switch is pretty much the only story on this show that is even remotely interesting and it (especially Brad and Lucas) is featured so sporadically that it's almost hard to care.


I have zero idea what the point of Dev is. I don't care about this stuff with Cassandra and Sasha having bird flu, though I do like her and Michael. I don't care about whatever Hayden is doing or her and Finn. Peter and Maxie are a complete snooze. Carly is having another baby for some reason.


I do kind of like Alexis/Neil.

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I don't think it's a bad concept, but given GH's usual half-assedness, it's impossible to care about it. The "memory flash drive" plot has always been a poorly executed and laughable afterthought. However, the entire "Franco mourns a child that isn't really his" story could have been a lot more poignant if they'd connect it to his feelings for Kiki. Instead, it felt like Franco was completely frozen out of that story, only to be thrown into "mourning" a kid no one really cared about.


I don't care about Kim, and don't particularly even like TB's style---but the show also did her no favors handing her a dead kid story after Maura West just did one.


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I just started the oldest episode in that ABC online Sonny collection.


And I feel like a hypocrite.  Because I would take Carly married to Jax, Elizabeth and Jason as a couple, Kate Howard (original version), the old Metro Court lobby, and Claudia and Johnny any day over what is mostly there now.  And at the time I complained all the time about no Laura (even though Genie wanted to come back), and how Sonny centric the show was.  Maurice was also still very attractive in that 2008 show.


That Michael was always annoying to me though.


I forgot how awesome Sarah was as Claudia!  What a waste!

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