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General Hospital August 2019 Discussion

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I like WR and sadly, I am actually getting used to Parking Lot Peter. I just think he and Maxie are beyond forced and Kirsten Storms couldn't be more checked out. I think Peter and Lulu would have worked better. 


I don't think he'd be right for Nathan. He's too young looking for say Steven Lars (and the show forgets he and Tom Hardy exist apparently). Maybe a reformed Logan back from the dead? (I forget how he died, but it's a soap ....) lol (although Mark Lawson works better for that, IMO, but of course he's playing a newbie. Wouldn't want to you know, recast Lucky or something)


It's just a shame so many of Frank's pets dominate the counts and airtime and are all in forced couplings that are hard to stomach. I actually think Lucky could have been a good role for Ramsey. Weird, I know. But I could see it (or I've just lost my mind? LOL)

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I'm still on the fence about him, and I really didn't like that they made him Anna's son. I was hoping that that would be rewritten and that Alex would be Peter's mother and Anna just had the memory, but the show seems to have forgotten all about that. Maybe they'll revive that when Finola Hughes comes back.


I'd kind of like to see a Maxie/Peter/Lulu triangle. Maxie and Peter are boring together and a triangle would give them some good story. All the elements (Lulu and Peter working closely, Lulu losing Dante) are there for it. 


Lulu killed Logan by accident to stop him from attacking Maxie. Mark Lawson turning out to be an alive Logan actually sounds pretty good too. I won't hold my breath though.


And I actually do like some of Frank's pets, but yeah a lot of them need to go.



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Love how they said Oscar was born in 2002 today but literally every other line of dialogue is about 2012

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Literally in Kim's scenes they keep saying 17 years, and in everyone else's scenes about Drew they say 7 years. It's so glaring.

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God, if only. This just cements his trash character further on the canvas. Frank is beyond desperate to make him work and it shows. ABC needs to stop being checked out and FIRE Frank's ass. Varni is also an enabler and not any better. Both need to go. Not saying the writers are much better but I'd be willing to try a new EP and daytime head before showing them the door. Besides, who'd we get? Barbara Bloom? Tomlin?

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I am starting to wonder, with the recent writing out of Billy MIller's Drew, the memory transfer of Drew's memories into Franco, and Peter's sudden shift from bland reformed good guy to sneaky villain, that Shelly Altman may have left the building a bit earlier than we were all told.

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