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B&B July 2019 Discussion Thread

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It was very strange scenes, and I was really concerned about what Thomas would do to scare Douglass. He started setting up some things and put a timer and some type of equipment underneath Douglass' bed. And then the next thing you know, the timer goes off, Douglass awakes and that cartoon-ish looking ghost appears and scares poor little Douglass. 


Which causes Hope to rush into the room and comfort him. Thomas also manages to take his shirt off like a couple of minutes after setting  things up to scare his son, so he could make it look like he was doing something else. Instead of setting things up to scare his song like a couple of minutes earlier. And then Thomas convinces Hope that Douglass had a "nightmare".  Which causes Hope to move up the wedding, so she can step into the role of being his new mother even sooner. 


Thomas has really gone off the deep end. He's graduated from using his son, to flat out trying to scare him to get with Hope. I wonder when everything comes out if Hope may actually end up with getting custody of Douglass, while Thomas is sent off somewhere. (Jail or a mental institution.)

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I have a bad feeling nothing will happen to Thomas when this gets out...Brad Bell already has an outlandish excuse as to why he’s so crazy (“The tumor made me do it!!!”

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I wonder how long he may stick around. For some reason when this recast was hired, I was thinking he might not be around that long. I feel like he definitely needs some comeuppance for the stuff he's doing. And I do think that his behavior will get worse. 

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Didn't watch this week - and I'm glad.  Reading through the threads since I posted - someone is right, the tumor made him do it.  And no one will know that he drugged Liam with speed or anything that he's done.  


He and Hope are speeding up the wedding?  They're moving so slow on this show...why haven't they been married and had it annulled yet?  And why hasn't she remarried and annulled another marriage with Liam or Wyatt?  They just move too slowly on this show.  cough.  

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Lol - it sounds awful if that’s what happened.  Douglass has a nightmare so we need to get married right away?  


Did anything happen with Xander finding the security footage of Thomas following Emma?  Thomas hasn’t killed him yet?  Thought for sure that would have happened last week.  

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It was quite silly really.  Zoe pled for Xander to not go forward with his evidence against Thomas.  Xander gave her an ultimatum: they tell the truth or he goes back to England.  He ended up going back to England.

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Wow, poor Douglas is the latest to overoverhear the truth about Beth (he overhears Thomas saying that Beth is alive on the phone), and the latest victim of Thomas' threats (he threatens to go back to New York with Hope, leaving Douglas in LA if he "disobeys" him; when Douglas asks why he doesn't talk about mommy, Caroline, anymore, Thomas tells him because she's dead, etc.). Yep, he's going psycho on his own son now, at one point grabbing Douglas' arm violently.  I thought he was going to go complete "Mommie Dearest" on him for a moment.

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Just watched Friday's episode and I find it funny that little Douglas has more sense than any of the adults around him. He seems to be putting two and two together regarding Beth and Steffy's "Phoebe."  Liam, dumb as a box of rocks, is snooping into Flo and "her baby" and checking out Phoebe's adoption papers, and still doesn't have a clue.


No. She hasn't appeared on the show since she and Steffy left for Europe earlier this year for JMW's maternity leave.  If I actually thought Brad Bell cared, I would have thought that Taylor's absence was intentional because surely Taylor would recognize her son is a psycho. But I doubt he's given Taylor that much thought.  Plus Round 1001 of Brooke/Ridge/Taylor, especially the Brooke and Taylor stuff, was far more interesting than the baby swap story, and we can't have that now, could we?


I still think they have an opportunity to tie this mess with Bill's shooting.  Thomas shot him (for helping to manipulate his and Caroline's relationship and for "taking advantage of his sister," etc.) and covered for him.

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The little actor that plays Douglas is doing a nice job. I like how he notices something is wrong with Thomas and is calling him out for his behavior. Even after Thomas threatened him and roughly grabbed him. The little actor is doing a nice job of showcasing how even though he and his character is very young, he knows something is wrong with his father's behavior. Douglas is a sweet little boy and loves Hope and wants to do right by her. He put her well being above his own, when he told her that baby Beth was alive, even after being threatened/mistreated by Thomas.


I think that Thomas needs to lose custody of him. Or at least be sent away for a while, while someone who is not doing evil things and is more stable. takes cares of Douglas. Maybe Hope will end up taking care of him when Thomas's is sent off to wherever he's sent, (prison or a mental institution.)

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@crc I'd like to think that Craylor's absence was intentional. And, I agree that having Dumb-As as $B's shooter would clean-up a lot of things and make a lot more sense. I never bought the original reason given for the shooting. 


Since Stuffy was so illogically desperate to have a sibling mere months after giving birth, no reason why Autie Stuffy couldn't raise Douglas and give Kelly a 'brother.' Problem solved and a lot better than saddling Dope with him. 

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Aside from when I watched- also I thought - amazing disappearance of “Kelly”.  She was also gone the 2 weeks I watched.  Does anyone know there’s another daughter? Nanny, Taylor and Kelly all fall into an amazingly deep hole.  Isn’t Kelly Liam’s also for sure?  Wouldn’t anyone ask about that baby? 

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