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Y&R July 2019 Discussion Thread

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They need to be featured less as a couple because their storylines are awful and drag the show down. And if it's just going to get worse if they keep being featured consistently at a high level. There isn't anything interesting that will be done with this couple as long as they are together. That's why they are now being reduced to digging through trash as a plotline. Kyle can still be featured by himself in business storylines/situations with his family. 


I doubt they have Kyle say do something like kiss Mama Rosales, which could make things more interesting. So we're stuck with boring, cringeworthy scenes with this couple. I will give MM credit for hanging in there. I think  that this is the type of situation that could be frustrating for an actor, let alone a young one. He's been giving crappy material, stuck in a dud pairing, but he's still trying. 


And I think that Mama Rosales and Rey is going to be a hard sell, because Jordi looks and acts every bit 40. And Eva looks younger than what she is. But we'll see how that goes. I did end up accepting Lily and the almost grown twins, lol. 



Adam being featured too much is not helping and I think that most of the stuff that Josh is writing is boring. Hardly anything is interesting.



It's interesting that you mentioned that. I had an idea for a fan fic about Lola having a secret child, lol.

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I agree with the person who said everything about Lola is fake. Even that big plastic grin she always puts on. The character is awful, but like Tessa, neither actress is engaging enough for me to care. Cut the loss and get rid of both.

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The Rosales family continues to be contrived, bland, and forced. They are all the worst characters introduced since the MAB era. I think this regime is strongest post MAB, but you can still see Anjelica McDonalds’s fingerprints all over everything. Everything she does is commercialized walmart cookie cutter blah. My point is that the show wildly swings from moments of the classic feel and storytelling touch to zany rom com contrived immature BS.

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I enjoyed seeing Theo interact with Ana today. He came across as more serious and mature in his scenes with her than he has during most of the time on the show so far. I do think that spending time with her will be good for his character and help will help flesh him out. Also, I would like to know more about his backstory, like why he really left the music business and what happened in New York that he doesn't like bringing up. I think that something happened in his past that caused him to leave the music industry and I want to know what it was.


I do think he will be a good mentor for Ana and he will try and help her succeed. He seemed sincere about wanting to help her. I look forward to them developing at least a friendship and maybe a romance. IMO, if Ana/Theo did get together I think they would be a nice looking couple. Not sure how his relationship with Summer will factor into things but I hope this will at least be a decent storyline for Ana.







Also, I wonder if we will another new set. The it has been mentioned there will be a new hotel that people want to develop. I wonder if that will turn into a new set that some of the characters will end up living in. 


And I wonder what may have really happened to Chelsea's husband to cause his death. 



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I feel like the Kyle/Summer/Ana/Fen/Lola range is the right age range for her to be in. (And that Noah/Mariah/Tessa are also close enough to that age range). I had wondered when Devon kept mentioning he would get a mentor for her if that would be someone who was somewhat older and could potentially be a love interest for her. And it looks like that could be the case, though I'm not sure if anything romantic will happen between her and Theo. Especially since he's interested in Summer.


Also, I wish that the show wouldn't have Ana and Devon clash with each other so much, and IMO create unnecessary drama. And that he would trust her more as a professional and not treat her largely as his little sister. I want her to get the freedom to grow as a professional the same way, other Lola, Mariah, etc.. are allowed to grow. I don't care to see things like Devon constantly clashing with her over decisions she's making at Hamilton-Winters,  especially when he promoted her to co-head of LP. And even more so after he just gave Mariah a job opportunity (head over Power Communications) that she's not qualified for.


Devon has yet to criticize Mariah to her face/or really even question her ability to run a whole company in Power by herself. But he's constantly getting on Ana about stuff (even if he does make some valid points about things). IMO, that doesn't look right. But on the bright side, at least his latest round of criticizing her is leading to her getting to interact with a new person and get a new friend, if not more out of it.


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With the demos and ratings not befitting from The Adam Show and Stafford's return - I do wonder how much longer Morina and Griffith have left on this show. I always felt like they were placeholders anyway, but if this trend continues, they may be out in less than a year. It's clear Adam, Chelsea's return, and Stafford coming back as Phyllis were their "big bets" and so far, it's not paying off in the ratings and the show is totally unbalanced. 


We'll either be in for another US soap recycled hack, or someone like Mal again...

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IMO, Y&R's biggest problem right now is its' lack of excitement.  No storyline (aside from Adam's return) grabs your attention -- and even Adam's return is in danger of losing momentum due to its' eating up so much airtime.



Lola is a character who BEGS for a shocking secret from her past.  No one can be THAT perfect, for lack of a better word.


Unfortunately, because Lola is (IMO) a surrogate for Angelica McDaniel, I'm afraid there will never be any depth to her, or any skeletons in her closet.



It's not paying off, because JG and AM have misjudged what Y&R fans, both current and lapsed, believe is their Y&R.  You don't talk up restoring classic sensibilities (or whatever) and then give your audience freakin' 2013.  That's not the Y&R those folks at home miss and demand back.



Or, at the very least, write more toward Lola's obvious strengths as a vixen/bitch-type character.  Lola as a goody-two-shoes heroine is unbelievable, so take the different approach and see whether anything "sparks."  Again, though, Angelica ain't having none of that, which is hurting the character, her relationship w/ Kyle and the show in the long run.

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You're right - I haven't been interested in anything since Adam got his memory back and started making demands of everyone and he's on every single day.  I see a few minutes a week now and I swear even 5 minutes I turn it on and it's him.  

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I said when they started that mess...what do they even do?  Just a company for Nick to have?  And they were competing with Newman...on what?  What are they competing with them on?  Then one day someone mentioned major real estate conglomerate or something.  It was a mess from the beginning.  I haven't seen but 5 minutes this week.  Today I caught the end and I see apparently Chelsea had a husband and he's dead.  When was he ever on?   Are we supposed to care other than it looked to me like a plot device for (GASP) - ADAM to be even MORE involved.  Changed back to Wimbledon.       



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