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Y&R June 2019 Discussion Thread

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GT really came into her own as Phyllis and was actually the first time i ever liked the character. I’m really dreading Giggly coming back especially she’s going to be doing that thing where she repeats her lines five times.

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Someone doing sets - throw up some Collonade Room.  You’re going to can all these people and bring back people.  God Society and Melissa Ordway is awful.  How’s aboutsa if you’re going to haul in stafford - throw up some 1 day sets and have some scenes in the damn Collonade Room.  

Or maybe flashbacks of Jill cutting a Chicken Bone outta Brooks.  DO SOMETHING 

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The Collonade Room is not coming back, and neither are any 1day sets.


Today’s U.S. show was great, start to finish, except for the Kyle and Lola scenes. All the actors did great work, and Gina T is going out like fire. Damn, I will miss her. I’m critical of bad stuff, but today was incredibly good.


Jill was missed, but we all know Jess Walton doesn’t want regular work. Yes, they could’ve thrown in a line of dialogue, but I can’t make a big deal about it.

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Don't worry, y'all. When Frank Valentini takes over as EP in 2022 you'll get the Colonnade Room back. One room the size of a walk-in closet with some eggshell white walls and two paper-mache columns.

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I don't think that Devon should have given Mariah Neil's old job. She is not qualified, and doesn't have the experience to run an entire PR company. It's one thing if he gave her a job working for another company in HW, it's another to let her run an entire company. I don't think that's right. And I believe that Josh is doing this just to so he can have Mariah and Ana spar some more and try and possibly paint Ana in an unfavorable light against Mariah. I believe he may end up continuing to right Ana as difficult to artists and write Mariah as their champion/advocate.  I do not look forward to that storyline.


Also, Kyle and Lola continue to be an awful and boring couple. Kyle often times looks nervous, even down right scared whenever him and Lola have issues (which is often). He looked scared today when he was hanging up that juvenile looking homemade banner to apologize to Lola. I'm tired of him looking/acting like this and walking around eggshells when it comes to Lola. That "I'm sorry banner." he hung today looked like something children would help make in 1st grade. This is a sad looking picture and what Kyle has been reduced to since he's been paired with Lola:





This is so elementary and the character deserves better than this. Kyle and Lola's relationship is so unhealthy and toxic, I wish he would be free from it.


Adam's on a lot, but he's one of the few bright spots on the show right now. I did see some layers today with him, when he was telling Phyllis about wanting to get Christian back. I just about believed him when he said that he wasn't messing with Dark Horse for revenge, but to get Christian back. And I also like how he spoke about Nick and Nick's desire to be his own man away from Victor. I thought he provided some true and interesting insight there.


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Mark Grossman is so fun to watch & I can tell he is having fun. He's engaging. Hopefully before he gets to the level of what ever the hell Josh Morrow calls acting these days, Mark will quit first


I mean did u see Josh try and play angry in scenes with Mark Grossman today? So damn bad

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Joshua Morrow's anger is only convincing whenever the tap on the keg is slow.


Adam's return continues to prove the point that he's the only character on Y&R still worth watching (no matter how many awful recasts or awful storylines they subject us to).  Y&R never should've needed to resurrect him, but what other choice did they have (aside from doing the obvious and firing all the dead weight)?

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