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Y&R May 2019 Discussion Thread

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It looks like Traci is developing feelings for Cane. It looks like her character in her novel also has feelings for him. I am interested in seeing where this goes. I like them together, Traci is sweet and lovely and I would like to see her have a love interest.


Also, it wasn't surprising at all that Lola didn't want to live in the Abbott mansion. She always has to have her things her way.  I was annoyed at the way she talked about the Abbotts, and listed their names as if she didn't like them. Even though some of them have been very helpful towards her and the others one barely interact with her/don't bother her. I can understand someone wanting a place of their own, but Lola often says/expresses things in annoying ways, that cast a shadow over any valid point she may make. 


And I liked Summer's scenes with Jack. I like that Jack is valuing her as an employee and is taking her seriously. She made very good points about Kyle and his lack of effort/interest in trying to really launch Jabot's new line. He would be better suited doing something else, that will give him more freedom to run home and hang around boring Lola. Now she may have a trick up her sleeve, but I am glad that she is putting some distance between him and her professionally. She is better off working more closely with Theo.


I also believe that Jack will end up falling for Lauren while she is trying play matchmaker for him.



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I would, too.  BUT CANE?


Even the cinder block who played Steve (Greg Wrangler?) was better-looking and had more natural charisma than DG.  Why couldn't they bring him back to reconcile with Traci instead?

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What about the actor who played Traci's one-time English professor?  One poster suggested that Traci take a teaching position at GCU.  What if Tim were now the head of the English department and reached out to Traci with an offer to teach a creative writing course? Traci could be intrigued by the offer but somewhat reluctant, given the fact that she had her heart broken by Tim. 


I'm not watching the show but that story about Traci falling for Cane doesn't seem very interesting to me.  


I agree about Cane's lack of charisma.  Cane works better as a rogue and for that reason, I don't honestly see what someone of Traci's experience and wisdom would see in Cane.  If this were the 80s and she were that same naive, somewhat insecure ingenue that she used to be, Cane might have some appeal but as it is now, I don't see what Traci could get out of this besides a roll in the hay.

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They could have James O'Halloran from "The Price is Right" join the show as Cane's heretofore unmentioned kid brother, have Traci drool and get the vapors over him, and even THAT would be more interesting than falling for Cane outright.


Honestly, if this is where our demand for more Traci gets us, I'd rather they send her back to NYC.

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I know this show only thinks in short-term but if TPTB truly want Traci to have a genuine relationship, (sans stunt casting stints) the best way is to expand her character and honestly the surest way to do that is to draw on her history on the show.


I honestly like the idea of her teaching at GCU (whoever's idea that was) because lots of writers take teaching gigs and having a career that gives her some personal agency, rather than be an appendage to the Jabot (when she doesn't even work there) or Cane/Lily (when they're not in a real relationship) would strengthen her prospects on the show. 

I also mentioned Tim because the flashbacks and illustration of her backstory would give newer viewers better insight into the character trajectory.  It just makes her personally, more interesting.  I get the sense however that Y&R merely wants her to be a supportive crutch for Cane though, rather than her own independent character.

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Here's another idea: Traci helps Scott Grainger research and write his new book.  (You'd have to recast Scott again, of course, since Daniel Hall's long since left the show).  Gradually, their working relationship evolves into a more personal and romantic one.  This raises all sorts of red flags for Scott's mother, Lauren, given her history w/ Traci, as well as how protective she's always been toward her kids.

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lol. I think it could be interesting and actually good for both of them. I could see Cane unexpectedly falling for Traci, and I think that could be interesting. I also think that the reactions of their family members could be amusing/entertaining.

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Yeah, I think a few of us bandied that about a few years ago when Traci did a brief jaunt while Scott was on the show.  For some reason, I now have zero interest in Scott now, jmo. 

OTOH, it might actually be nice if there were one man in Traci's age group that weren't an Abbott or Newman. And considering the age of Y&R's median viewer, would that really be so bad?  IJS.

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No, that wouldn't be bad at all -- and you're right, there SHOULD be one man in her age group who isn't an Abbott or Newman for her to find happiness with.



A sad thing to say, and to realize, but you're absolutely right.

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Though we both know that TPTB have no interest in giving Traci a life outside of facilitating others and Cane happens to be the flavor of the moment that she must prop.


Scott Palmer (Tim Sullivan) has been doing voice-over work and although obviously older, still looks like himself.  Then that started making me randomly think of Scott Bakula...what's he doing these days? 

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  At this point other Scotts would be more promising than the options that Traci seems to have these days.

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