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Y&R February 2019 Discussion Thread

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Even allowing for hindsight being 20/20,  Kristoff looked tired and a little worn in his last scenes. He was good, as usual, but the tiredness spoke volumes. I felt so bad watching those scenes.


i didn’t find Lola more bearable — she was as awful as usual. Who would want to be around her? 


The Mariah and Tessa relationship is so forced. Just awful. Cait Fairman hasn’t improved at all. She thinks moving her hands around and closing her eyes is acting.


So Fen was SO into music and being a star but now is nervous about performing? And forgets to show up on time? Uh....ok.

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Same. I did an intake of breath at that part.


Well. I tuned in for KSJ -- I haven't watched since Lily was sentenced and we heard all the BTS changes with the show. The show as I saw yesterday is unrecognizable to me, like a pale imitation of a generic ABC Daytime hybrid as concocted by Brian Frons and Chuck Pratt. Devon's showcase was the one scene the stood out, mainly because the actress who plays Ana lights up the set. And KSJ... 

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 I can't believe I won't hear that voice again. It was hard seeing tiredness and tension on his face, but his manner was still 100% assured and present. What a pro. What a loss. I wonder if TPTB even realise what they jettisoned.


One small thing I appreciated -- no matter how many regimes, how many incarnations Y&R goes through, Sharon Case's centre-parted hair remains exactly the same. No joke, I love that dedication to consistency from her.

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One of the things that was sad about those scenes for me, was how Devon was telling Neil he had finally gotten his anxiety under control (after losing Hilary and the baby) and he seemed to be in a better place. Now his life is going to be upturned again when Neil dies. Neil really was the main person that was comforting Devon the most when Hilary died. He held Devon multiple times while he cried and was the one who Devon let get closest to him, directly after Hilary died. Now Devon's anxiety may become really bad again, when Neil dies. I really enjoyed Neil's relationship with Devon as well as Lily, and I believe his kids were definitely better off with him in their lives. It's going to be sad that he will no longer be around to interact/support them.



IMO, Fen potentially competing with Ana as an artist for Hamilton-Winters is not good conflict, at least not told in the way I think they might tell it. It definitely is not romantic. No more romantic than Lola  constantly complaining and sniping at Kyle because he makes more money than her. I think this type of stuff is not good angst for couples/potential couples. 


I would have rather have seen a situation where Ana found another artist (could have been a short term character for the time being), to take Fen's spot. And he gets good reviews and Fen could have gotten jealous of him and ended up being jealous that Ana was trying to help him. Or even a situation where Fen had stage fright,  and Ana gets on the stage to help him make it through the performance. He gets through it, but she ends up being the one that gets the best reviews for it/people prefer her as an artist. That would have been a better way to tell this story. Because you could have that plus Ana dealing with the fallout of being in the spotlight, (like it will expose her to someone that she doesn't want it to), and Fen wondering if he really can make it as an artist.





IMO, Summer came across as looking better than her in those scenes. Lola is so immature, I don't think she's ready to be in a serious relationship right now with him or anybody.  The rest of the young's people's expressions (from a pic posted by someone on Twitter). when it came out she wasn't sleeping with Kyle really highlighted how awkward Lola comes across to people.  She's such a downer and makes things awkward for people, especially Kyle.



Also, Fen is cocky but he was actually pretty nervous when he first went into the studio to first record the song that Ana wrote. He was jittery and Ana got him through it and calmed him down. Maybe they should have had him show up on time but had that happen again and then Ana could have bailed him out by going on stage with him and gotten back into the spotlight that way. I don' t like the way it looks like they are going with this storyline, though I guess it technically fits the Winter Spoiler Preview that was about Fen. I do think he may end up with a short-lived music career and could end up working for his mother and competing/sparring some more with Kyle at Jabot.

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Yes, they have. This formula has picked off soap after soap after soap. Isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?


Frons/Pratt/Guza remind me of Linda Bloodworth Thomason's excoriating account of Les Moonves' reign, when he replaced great, ratings-winning shows with a bunch of CSIs featuring hookers dying grisly deaths. F/P/G seem to represent a similar pathology.


LOL SC's hair -- i call it The Gwyneth -- was already out of date by the time she debuted it. But hey, at least when I tuned back in yesterday I recognised her immediately.

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If Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has his way, it will become much easier to track people on Instagram through other platforms as he now wants to integrate Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp all onto the same platform.  He claims it's for ease of use but everybody knows it's all about easily accessible data.  If he gets his way, it will become a lot easier to track people who are on those three social media platforms.  Not many people will be able to hide then.

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I thought that Nick looked nice today in his green shirt. I thought that complimented his eyes and Josh continues to look nice with his haircut.


Also, I didn't care for them much together the last time around but I actually liked Kyle and Summer scenes today. I liked that she made him laugh. She got him to relax, it was nice change of pace from him constantly having to walk around on eggshells due to Lola. I didn't like how Mariah made it seem like he was the main reason that him and Lola are having problems. It's mostly Lola and her very immature, controlling and insecure behavior (which no one calls her out on), that is causing their relationship to be strained. And it's been an ongoing thing that has been happening before Summer came back into town. I would be fine with Kyle breaking up with Lola. He should be with someone who appreciates more and who he feels more comfortable being himself around.



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