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Which soap psycho/criminal had the most ridiculous path to “redemption”?

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Didn't Franco have something to do with Sam almost getting blown up at Sonny and Brenda's wedding too?  I know it was Balkan related but I remember him (James Franco) calling Jason afterwards to taunt him? 


I would personally say Sonny because he actually has never be 'redeemed' except maybe in the early 90's via Brenda's love/Stone.   Gh has never felt he did anything wrong, which is more egregious than at least admitting someone is a bad guy then redeeming him.

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This was a strange one, not sure if it counts as redemption in the long run but Annie Dutton on GL hired Johnnie Cochran to represent her in court and got her charges dismissed and dropped, leading to a few months of Annie being a little less zany before her strange exit story. 

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Yup, she even ended up moving into the building for a while, sadly not much was done with it except for a brief interaction with Matt explaining that he didn't exactly want to be her friend. Not even Alison seemed to flinch much that the woman who blinded her was around.

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Todd (OLTL), Jack (DAYS) and Kevin (Y&R) - never bought any of it. 

EJ (DAYS) - still the ick feeling, but JS pretty much towered over the other male leads on DAYS that you couldn't help but like him.


Redeemed believable: Michael Baldwin served time in prison (4 years off-screen), his transformation wasn't instant/kept his shady side and they didn't try to make him some romantic lead. It was definitely a work-in-progress.



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It was bizarre when they had the law practice together - but it was clear that CLB and LLB worked really well together. At least Michael was still shady aka bringing Isabella to town and then having it blow up in his face. Michael's 'redemption' took almost a decade from the arrest to being acceptable.  It wasn't some overnight thing. 

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Not that she really counts that much of a villain because it was just bad and cartoonish, but Quinn B&B.  Shoves Ivy off of a bridge, engineers what it takes to put Wyatt and Hope together in the process, basically stalks Hope while she was pregnant and was the reason her own grandchild was lost when Hope took the tumble down the back patio stairs, welded a sword to kill Liam and Wyatt stopped her, kidnapped Liam while he had amnesia and played Adam and Eve with him for several months, shoved Deacon off a cliff, and it was alluded that she killed the guy in Mexico to get the Hope for the Future Diamond...and I'm sure I'm forgetting other things. 


She dates Eric, he declares in his Sean Connory voice that "She'sh a changed Pershon, people can change, and she'sh a changed PERSHON".  And that was that. 

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