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Uncomfortable/Awkward Soap Scenes

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The other day I made a joke to my mom about Charity Rahmer and she was like "who??". I spend so much time on SON that I actually made a joke in reality that only soap opera scholars would know.


Another moment that was awkward was Bo and Nora on OLTL trying to dance to Snoop Dogg. Hilary B. Smith had a little more rhythm than Robert Woods, but it was still pretty much Mom/Dad dancing.

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IIRC, didn't Erica, like, throw herself on Mona's coffin, begging her not to go?


Up to that point, I think, I believed Megan McTavish did a pretty good job handling the funeral.  But when THAT happened, I just sighed, shook my head, and said, "She just couldn't leave well enough alone, could she?".

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Mick Hazen was 15. Meredith Hagner 21. I remember being super pissed about that myself. It wasn't graphic, thank God, but it just came off as so gratuitous. And it was mostly so Janet could get on her moral high horse and make Jack chose between her kid and his.


When female fights get personally insulting. The Vanessa/Beth thing, for example or when Blake and Amanda fought,  Blake was always insulting Amanda's hair. LK even said she didn't like that. 

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I can't watch Ford family scenes

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I will have to include the Soapnet Ford family promos, and after that, any Soapnet promo featuring soap actors 'singing.'

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Zarf's hilariously awful music video on AMC - which looked like it was filmed in the roughest parts of Brooklyn for about $25 - was beyond bad.


So was the infamous scene which may have led to Robin Strasser's premature exit from OLTL in 2011. I still feel like I hallucinated this in some sort of fever dream, I can't believe it aired:


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Kim Zimmer, who deserves the Medal of Honor for this, alluded to the experience in an interview near the end of OLTL - she said Strasser was complaining enough for the both of them and she just wanted to get out of there. I can't blame either of them.


There's plenty more I can't remember offhand - especially 2000s OLTL.

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I have to admit I thought that scene with Sam was kind of cheesy cute, but I can see why the actresses would be upset (and it's not really safe to make Robin Strasser put all that tape over her mouth and face is it?)


That ad may be the one Soapnet singing ad I can praise...


Back to GL, which has many of my awkward moments, the very few fantasy sequences that Nola had in her mid/late '90s return felt off to me, clearly out of step with what the show wanted to be by that time, but the one that stood out most was when Nola was divorcing Quint. There was a fantasy sequence of the old West, the usual Clint Eastwood motif, with Nola as a gunslinger...and she shot the other man (who was supposed to be Quint) dead. It was so grim, and flat, and felt like the final death of the character (with nothing in the following two years doing much to change that). I'm so glad Lisa Brown agreed to return for the final episodes so that Nola got to be a bit more like her old self.

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I don't remember that, but it sounds HILARIOUS!!

But your moment reminded me of another moment I found incredibly awkward (cringe-worthy) - When Erica's house burned down, with Bianca trapped inside.  I don't remember all of the details, but it was shortly after Minshew joined the show (so 2002, I'm guessing).   Erica thought Kendall had started the fire to kill Bianca (she was innocent), and Erica was outside with Kendall, screaming, crying, and jumping up & down in full hysterics while staring at the burning house.
Does anyone else remember this?? LOL

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