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Y&R: May 2017 Discussion Thread

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I'm giving you permission to ammend, edit, cut and paste and send to whoever, if you think it will do any good. 

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Thank you. It just came flooding out like a stream of consciousness, lol.

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Well since I still haven't figured out how to put spoilers on here since the reboot of SON from the last time....



















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@DramatistDreamer I caught part of Hilary/Mariah and I noticed the same thing. MM/CG were fighting to get the words out without laughing. The setup is bad enough - I just don't buy Mariah being that hateful and smug and Hillary is far smart and hot - she won when she got the show -  to be reduced to this gutter. This regime continues to set women back decades. It's appalling. 

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Then don't post.  


This isn't hard to understand and you've been told this numerous times:

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I've wanted a Devon and Chloe pairing since EH showed up on canvas. I regret I'll never get it. They actually looked good together and had chemistry. 


@deedee surely TPTB know that CG doesn't work in this story. Yet, they've played it for 7 months already. I'm  wondering how much longer will we have to suffer through it. 


@ChitHappens Mariah being awkward and gauche could still work well in this story. The wealthy rake and the poor wallflower is a well used romantic trope. Problem is Devon ain't nobodies rake despite them trying to play him as one at the moment. He doesn't have enough sexy to make up for her lack of it. Those plane scenes were cringeworthy for him. 

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I personally don't think Bryton and Grimes have much chemistry between them so that doesn't help at all. It looks like two best friends trying to get together. It doesn't work. They work as friends and that's it. This whole GC Buzz story and feud between Mariah and Hilary is a waste of Grimes and Morgan. It's juvenile and stupid.


Chloe vs. Hilary would have been MUCH better @ChitHappens

It also feels like they're throwing a bunch of different things at the wall to see what sticks ...


They're really trying to find things to do for quite a few characters that should just be written off, or at least written much better (Chelsea, Jordan, Scott to name just a few). I personally think Scott would work much better with Abby but they seem to be switching up Scott and who he is so meh to that ... I'd prefer Sharon alone for a while so I'm all for them dropping her and Scott. They work OK as friends. I don't think Tognoni and the actor playing Scott had any chemistry either.

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