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The Talk - Tomorrow 10/11 - GL and ATWT Reunion?

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I think she'd be a better fit at B&B as Barbara since she's a fashion designer. But doesn't P&G still have the rights to the Barbara character?  I could see Liz Hubbard fitting in on Y&R as a rival to Victor and the Abbots.

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Thanks for the link. 


ETA- I only got a chance to see the GL and ATWT segments and those clips, áy, were not the best but it was nice to see some of the actors and I loved Liz Hubbard being real and not hugging any of The Talk hosts- she was like I'm not hugging any of you b*tches! :lol: You replaced our show. 


It rings slightly hollow when you know the hosts don't know anything about either show but at least Sheryl tried to finesse it. When Ellen Dolan talked about her time on GL, that would've been cool if they showed a clip with her and Kim Zimmer but when you're a soap fan, you've long learned to make do with what little the network provides. Shrugs. It was nice to see how warmly the actors were greeted by the audience though as well as their reactions.

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Kim Zimmer and Colleen Zenk were visibly overwhelmed with emotion. It was cute. 

The interviews were short but sweet. If Andy Cohen's Watch What Happens Live were associated with CBS, I could see him having one or two GL/ATWT alums as side guests every now 'n then. Dare to dream. 

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One last remark :)   Not about the GL/ATWT reunion, but the talk show in general... 


Although I think "The Talk" has been better than "The View" for a number of years now, they could do more actual talking if they stopped having the audience clap so damn much. I swear, in that one hour, 25 minutes are commercials, 15 is actual conversation, and the remaining 20 is waiting for the trained seals known as audience members to finish with their clapping and cheering. With constant breaks for clapping, plus the quick (and edited? Is The Talk actually live?) frenetic pace of the interviews, I sometimes wonder if an old-school Oprah Winfrey style (where the audience remains quiet and the tone is mostly serious, or at least a frank discussion about whatever, versus keeping EVERYTHING light 'n bubbly) could work with today's viewership habits (or what the networks believe to be our habits). If the show doesn't shove something bright 'n shiny at us every 8 seconds, they're afraid viewers will grab their smart phones and start checking out Facebook and Instagram instead. 

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So interesting you would say this - because back when Oprah was on I stopped watching toward the end because she converted her show to pure entertainment - with 3 or 4 guests on every show rather than being more Donahue-like - the way she started her show.  Discussing a couple of really serious topics, and she converted to more pure entertainment.  At the time I didn't tune in as much.  Although today I love Ellen, and she's purely Entertainment for the most part.  But I really missed the serious Oprah shows when she kind of abandoned it.  I'll never forget the show where I waited the whole time for Ekaterina Gordeeva because she was a guest and had written a book about her life with Sergei and his death, and Oprah trotted her out in the last 5 minutes, but had someone like Michael Jordan or John Travolta on for like 45 minutes.  I was over it.  LOL

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They should have done a show a day. The guests only had 1-2 minutes apiece to speak. ((Either that or one day for the two cancelled shows, the next...Y&R/B&B)

Colleen Zenk and Robert Newman look absolutely fantastic (not that everyone else didn't, but the two were standouts) I also loved La Walsh not hugging the hosts...replace MY hour, will you...LOL.


Why are none of these actors in regular roles on tv?

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*cough* Depends on how you define success. She's acted the hell out of two less than well written roles. She won another Emmy.

She's virtually the only long term ATWTer still in the biz. RoHo doesn't count, he started on ABC.  Cosgrove, Marie Wilson, and Peck are/have been on DOOL. Columbino and Peck landed at OLTL for a while before that was cancelled. Landon got some Y&R work. That's really about it.

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