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General Hospital SEPTEMBER 2014 Discussion

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Nina is just a useless character for me, lets have her her revenge and after that she can go. I would love for Ava to stay on the show. But things don't look good.

This week we should see two more people at the clinic which excites me.

The Anna/Obrecht scenes were good, I don't like that Anna is always the fool but I don't mind Obrecht calling her names because she hates her. Faison back in the mix would be good, even as a cartoon he is still great.

Would love to see more Felicia but she has been on a little more lately and that ok. So she is campaining for Mayor, hope we will see a little of it, but maybe all of it will happen off screen.

And I like Nathan/Maxie;)

The fall on GH seems to be a lot better than the summer but that's not very hard.......

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lol and AMEN! June was the most horrible month on this show in a very long time, and July/August weren't too far behind. Hopefully, Nina's reduced airtime will continue because some of the stuff happening has great potential. We just really need someone who can tighten up these scripts. And by Gawd, spend a bit of change on an on set coach. Some of these actors can cut thru a lousy script and deliver good stuff. Others can't (Storms, Garedy, Woodpile, Rylan, Easton, etc). Dr. O will remain a character that I will loathe until her dying day! The potential this character once had? Turn her into a clown and then use the weakest of reasons for her immunity - an embryo? That will NEVER be forgiven.

Loved Thaao trying to teach that wretch, RKK, how to act. He sure needs it.

Wish these sets didn't look so cheap!

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But you don't need Ava around for that fall out. You have Corinthos involved, Carly, Jillian, Kaka. It could be a case of "where is Ava's baby"? Ava is not needed for this at all, but I'd much rather her than Nina! I'd love for Ava to have a real shot at love and someone to protect her - Shawn!

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Guza did have great script writers, to fire them all was stupid. RC should surround himself with talented people, well everyone should but he really needs them to hide his own shortcomings. And a bad storyline or plots with little sense can be safed by good day to day writing. With that RCs GH would be pretty good.

I believe If you have a baby missing or switched you need the mother for the fall out/ reveal. It's true we have the two potential fathers and the sister, but the mother would be much more powerful.

If I think about the possibilities for this story i always think about how Annie stole Olivia's baby on SuBe.Let's with what RC will come up with.

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I'm convinced the better story is "The Child She Left Behind". Yeah, kinda Lifetimeish, but there is more meat than mobstress Ava wailing "where's my baby".

As for scriptwriters, um yeah! moRon needs to surround himself with some really good scriptwriters. Someone needs to conceal his sh!t!

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Chances are, though, if he had better scriptwriters, they'd just dump his projections and notes in the trash and write the show as they would see fit. Which would be okay, AFAIC, until the day Ron actually sat down and watched a full episode. And then it'd be all over. Just like it was with Dena Higley at DAYS.

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There were a number of old stories about Elizabeth Korte and her biases at GH, but as (to my knowledge) the last standing staff writer from before RC, you have to wonder what she thinks of these scripts.

Some of Ron's ideas are quite good. The problem when an idea is actually good, though, more than ever, is the scripts as well as the week-to-month-by-month plotting. All of that has long since collapsed under the weight of the overgrown canvas and the inability to focus cohesively from one day or week or month to the next. Yes, soaps have always been a grind, always a rush to get something out of the door and onto the screen, but the dialogue isn't anything more than functional and the plotting and pacing is even worse now. And it's clear he doesn't care so long as he's moving his chess pieces around and getting funny stuff into the scripts to quote on Twitter.

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