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GH: March 2014 Discussion

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Which is why, IMO, the random reference to his being in Wisconsin makes no sense -- unless, of course, the "business with Ethan and Holly" has taken him there? I don't know. I feel like it might've been tidier to say Scorpio was still somewhere in Europe.

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Sonny thought that AJ was killing Ava just like AJ killed Connie, so he took a shot at AJ. The irony of course is that AJ was strangling Ava because he remembered how Connie was alive when he left the Metrocourt, so Ava was Connie's killer.

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Yeah, this "twist" would be interesting had we not seen Sonny put a bullet in Dante's chest or be duped by Claudia. This is not much different. Ava commits a crime against Sonny, manages to get close to him and gains his trust only for him to learn that she is guilty of the crime he thought someone else did. I just can't wait for the Metro Court reveal when he calls her a filthy piece of trash and theatens to kill her in a room full of people. Do you think Ava will be pregnant? Julian's part was ok, however.

Sonny was such punk today. It was embarrassing to listen to this "mobster" whine like that.

Sobby doesn't bug me, and I would have taken her over Robin any day even though she is a Crappy created pet. I just wish she was away from Patty.

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STFU Felix. No one needs to hear any of your [or Ron's] opinions.

20 years late and a dollar short there SiJohn ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZz.

Why is Michael so much more tolerable as a Q?

Shout outs to Gail, Lesley, and Audrey yesterday! Wish we could've seen that game of bridgesad.png! I wonder if Lee was busy visiting his new grandson during the gameph34r.png. Oh, wait, if it was about Franco, we'd have seen it.jeal0002.gif

Actually liked Julian getting the blame. No one likes him enough to defend him. SIDE EYES-Sit down Alexis!

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This full-on evil Ava is the Ava I am here for, not the one who weeps for Morgan and begs Julian not to harm the Corinthos family. Claudia was smarter than Sonny - or at least able to play on his weaknesses - and Ava is even moreso. Lady Macbeth. She'll [!@#$%^&*] him soon, and maybe marry him. While pregnant with Morgan's baby. Sonny has been a chump like this for years, it started under Guza.

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I've been FFing slumbering Silas and mumbling Sam for weeks but their story FINALLY became interesting when Robin & Victor showed up there. Didn't see that coming. So RC relocated the resurrection clinic from Switzerland to Manhattan? The BORG lives I gotta hand it to KMC she sold that joy and recognition well. If she can raise Hells AND Stefan, it's worth the trade-off.

Why is Luke acting like wooden Bill Eckert all of a sudden? The LSD did a job on his face, SCARY. Finally a Lunacy story that may interest me if they go with an Imposter Luke angle.

I liked that Patrick cut off Robin making more promises. He's so torn between love and repressed rage in these scenes, JT did some good work there. That montage was over-due. I expected it when she died.

I haven't cheered for Sonny in so long, but I so wanted him to pull the trigger, end that pathetic creature AJ AND kill Ava too. Give me KG's psychopatic sarcastic Dr O to MW's cliched sexpot sociopath any day.

What little I've read of RC on twitter doesn't surprise me. He's always been super defensive over any criticism in past interviews and always had a real disdain for soap fans. But mainly I think he's just publicly voicing the contempt most headwriters have for soap fans. That's been a problem for decades now.

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