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AMC & OLTL Get Summer Run On OWN

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Mon Sep 16 1:00PM 160,000 total viewers, 72,000 viewers in Adults 18-49
Tue Sep 17 1:00PM 191,000 total viewers, 46,000 viewers in Adults 18-49
Wed Sep 18 1:00PM 211,000 total viewers, 62,000 viewers in Adults 18-49
Thu Sep 19 1:00PM 223,000 total viewers, 39,000 viewers in Adults 18-49
Thu Sep 19 2:30PM (repeat) 44,000 total viewers, 13,000 viewers in Adults 18-49



** Thanks skiman12082004 for pointing out I did the math wrong!!

Last Week's Report AVG:



Mon Sep 16 1:30PM 121,000 total viewers, 53,000 viewers in Adults 18-49
Tue Sep 17 1:30PM 128,000 total viewers, 33,000 viewers in Adults 18-49
Wed Sep 18 1:30PM 201,000 total viewers, 57,000 viewers in Adults 18-49
Thu Sep 19 1:30PM 115,000 total viewers, 11,000 viewers in Adults 18-49
Thu Sep 19 2:00PM (repeat) 56,000 total viewers, 15,000 viewers in Adults 18-49



Last Week's Report AVG:


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I've wondered whether they dropped that, because they weren't sure fans would cotton to Marissa otherwise, or because they weren't sure Brittany Allen was believable as someone who worked in such an unsavory environment.

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They got higher ratings on both OWN and Hulu due to the fact that All My Children had name marquee outside of the soap community. Plus, while OLTL started out very strongly at the start of the season, it kind of lost momentum mid-way through the season and only righted itself right before the season finale. I think that was due to the writers change, imho.

While All My Children struggled and eventually improved. Did it improve to the point of perfection? No, but it certainly started to resemble AMC of old as the season wore on.

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As much as I've always stumped for AMC's stronger brand strength, I don't believe that's the reason AMC did better. If it were just a matter of name recognition I would expect to see both shows rise and fall concurrently but if you look at my chart (hee!) you'll see that there are times that AMC held steady or increased while OLTL went down (8/7, 8/13, 8/20, 9/9, 9/19). That tells me that OLTL viewers were tuning out while AMC viewers were hanging on or tuning in. I admit this is my subjective opinion but based on the Hulu and OWN numbers plus discussion traffic on the boards, I think it's pretty obvious that while some of the difference can be attributed to timeslot and name recognition, the main difference between AMC and OLTL was mainly content related.

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On 9/19, OWN aired too recap type episodes of OLTL. I think that day shouldn't really count in the sense that there was a legit reason why it would go down. There was another episode that was accidentally a rerun also, though I am not certain which date that was. Does anyone know?

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Speaking as someone who didn't grow up watching either of these shows but only began consistent viewing the last few years of their broadcast runs, I have no 'dog in the race'. Speaking from a writer's perspective, AMC produced more cohesive storytelling, IMO.

Was AMC perfect? Of course not, but they utilized their characters (veterans and newbies) in a more consistent, even-handed manner than OTLT, just my opinion.

Take for example, on OLTL, they didn't truly utilize Bo and Nora, separately or together very well on this inaugural season. I didn't mind the Night Bird podcasts but we really should have seen Nora functioning at least once in her actual day job. Anyone who didn't know better could have come to the conclusion that she was retired. Bo did get to do some detective work but that storyline became a bit convoluted and unwieldy at times, there were all these disparate threads, it just seemed like Bo was kind of floating at times as an offshoot to the action, rather than being in the thick of things.

I compare Bo and Nora to say, Angie and Jesse on AMC, the contrast is apparent.

Perhaps if OLTL had decided to do a take on the tattoo storyline from a slightly different angle, involving more of the characters that they had consistently, like Bo, Nora, Téa, Blair, even Vikki, Clint, Dorian, Dani etc instead of building so much around the 2 Todds (with the actors' situations being so 'iffy') , we might have gotten a slightly fuller, more cohesive storyline.

I get what OLTL was trying to do, but they did have other characters to work with.

Still, there were quite a few parts of OLTL that I really liked and I think both shows have a great deal to work with. I just think OLTL has to do a bit more to 'unearth' all the storyline possibilities that they've planted seeds for.

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