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Prospect Park in a Labor Dispute Over All My Children?

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I'm glad that this had its own thread otherwise I never would have seen it.

Tired of the pages and pages of random talk about Jack and Todd in the other thread about OL's production. It's not news.

If people want to talk about jack's "bisexuality" or what color shorts he had on that day, feel free....but start a separate discussion thread please. tongue.png

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I'll say, lol. Every time I turn around, it seems, PP is embroiled in another hot mess. I hope this gets resolved soon, though, and both parties (PP and IATSE) walk away happy.

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Keep this thread up.

The OLTL/AMC production threads are annoying.

And really, I just need to take a deep breath and excl.png at this.

WTF is going on at PP?

I guess with the fvckery going on with OLTL/the ABC lawsuit, they had to find a way to bring AMC into the WTF action?

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here is a thought from DC which sounds plausable: The par budge per episode is supposed to be around $80k.

Since there is no way PP spent "more than double" $125k (e.g. $250k+) on any AMC episode, if you read between the lines this has to do with the union trying to re-calculate/re-define the cost of each episode with regard to amortization, depreciation, etc. in light of the recent production output cutback.

It's not really a controversy. The union's members are not thrilled at their work being cut in half so the union is attempting to get them something extra. This type of stuff is just part of doing business.

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