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For P&G Soaps Fans: How would YOU bring 'em back?

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Yeah but his first stints are usually counted when we look at the curse surrounding him. We look at his last stint. Regardless, the shows were cancelled when he was on there, but as I stated before . . . it's a joke. He isn't the only actor that people say this about. People say it about say the same thing about David Andrew MacDonald too.

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Thank you....how could I have possibly forgotten old pervert Chris? I hated that Chris and Alison---and I think he did too.

I don't understand where all the love for Bruce comes from. Other than his abs, I can't recall one thing his Chris did.

I may be oversensitive to the Cosgrove joking---but there was a lot of backlash vented on him in those last months (not here, but around) for two major reasons---being saddled with Katie and getting Reid's heart. Neither of which was under his control. I thought he fit in well with the vets.

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Cosgrove was just way too goody goody to be Bob and Kim's son....lol...that's why I liked Paul Korver's version of Chris...he was a playboy who didn't want to grow up....I could see that considering how his parents were the city's virtue and exemplified purity...lol......I just like Bailey in the role but hated him with Allison.....As for Bruce he was hot and still grown yet still had the characteristics that Paul Korver had as younger Chris.

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I thought that Daniel Cosgrove knew when he took the role on ATWT as Chris that the show was going to end as he started airing in 2010, and the cancellation was announced in December 2009.

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I am hoping this will get P&G's attention. They cancelled them because they thought the public didn't like soaps but now AMC/OLTL are doing well maybe once PP figures out the perfect model they will bring them back. That said, I doubt P&G would sell or license.

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Well I liked Bruce not only because he looked hot but he has charisma; furthermore, I felt he was a bit of a edge, some darkness to Chris, which was desperately needed; I felt that the character had potential to someone that wreaked havoc for Bob in the workplace & eventually in Kim & Bob's marriage too; however, I felt that they effed that up when they put him back with baby prostitute--I mean Allison. Heck, I hated them put her with Aaron & Casey too but I digress.

As I stated before, I LOVED Cosgrove on Guiding Light. I felt that he fit well on that show as Bill and as a leading man because of his chemistry with Emme Rylan, Gina Tognoni, and TV parents, Maeve Kinkead and Jordan Clarke. I didn't like him on World Turns b/c I felt that he was just there as a plot point to introduce Reid & provide Katie a happy ending closedeyes.jpg. He just didn't fit with the show IMO. I felt the same with AMC too. Though he had an earlier stint there, I felt he didn't fit with the show in the end; he outgrew it in a sense. I preferred Adam Mayfield's version of Scott instead.

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I seriously doubt that this thread is going to get P&G's attention (and I suggest you don't go and bother them b/c they won't even bother to respond)--this thread along with AMC/OLTL being revived. While both shows are back, they aren't out of the woods yet. Until AMC/OLTL provides a few years of solid material and gain a solid audience, those shows are still easily expendable. Additionally, P&G adamantly made it clear that they wanted out the soap game, and as you've said, they'll probably never sell or license these shows unless someone with deep pockets and a deep appreciation for the entire P&G library purchases these shows.

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I don't mind him but I think Daniel Cosgrove has seemed the same in all his soap roles since GL, and a bit dull. I did not see this other Chris, Dylan Bruce, so have no comment on him. I hated Paul Korver though. My favorite Chris was Ben Jorgensen.

Thanks Carl, for reading that whole thing, and glad you liked some of my ideas. Thanks for your constructive recommendations! Maybe I can turn it into some fan fiction thing -- it was fun trying to put it together.

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Although I'd love to see the shows back (and well written of course), I don't have 15 hours a week to devote them. So first thing I'd cut down every soap to 20 minutes. Not 25, not 30. Just 20 minutes. I'm positive you CAN tell a variety of stories this way. Heck you air 5 days a week!

And then a primetime special (even on another network) on Sundays collecting all the episodes + bonus.

Anyway I think a Hallmark-style movie is the way to go for the P&G shows. That format can very much cater to old fans. Make a big event every 6/9 months or something. And let the characters live on.

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Hmm, P&G has moved into the TV-movie arena anyway -- not a bad idea!

20 minutes without commercials, or 30 minutes with commercials, is a good enough length. But I would not go for 20 minutes with commercials if that's what you mean.

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