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OLTL-Tuesday, April 30th 2013 Discussion Thread

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The Victor reveal was a little rushed and low-key, but still preferable to what Ron would have done, which is drag it on and on and make everyone look stupid. Today was good. I just hope we get more one-on-one scenes.

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why should they apologize? Todd still shot and tried to kill him, not to mention lied about it for months and framed Tea's brother. No one owes him an apology especially since he was never sorry for what he did. Maybe Viki for writing him off but definetly not Tea and the kids
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The visuals for the opening are stuck in my head. Like a nightmare. I mean really. ONLY people who are long time fans are gonna like that mess even a little bit. Ugh, it's so bad and the show itself is SO good. It's kind of upsetting.

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My mom actually texted me after seeing the opening yesterday and see totally not she was expecting in regards to the opening. Thought she didn't say if she liked it or not.

I think the song and dancing was a good idea on paper, but sometimes those ideas might not look good executed.

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Watching again, Nu-Destiny is Shenelle if she has a growth spurt and lightened her skin.

I like that Victor appears to have a bit of PTSD..

I know it's been mentioned about Viki and Blair's non reactions, but Victor also appeared to not give two shits about seeing either of them either lol.

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I think the reveal was so fast--and not as celebrated--because TSJ and Howarth were playing their parts as they should: clearly Todd knew Victor was alive or had suspicions. Hell, Victor may have been the one to send Todd the note with the symbol for all we know with both fully aware of meeting the other. What seemed clandestine was really something well planned with a purpose for both.

And people are already crapping on nuDestiny when she's 1) pretty, 2) skinny, and 3) has had very little to say, so therefore she's a bad actress? I know most of you are women but do you understand the double standard you have? I don't hear this much negativity to any male characters who are pretty, skinny, and have little to say when they debut or take over a role. I'm not saying any of you are shitting on nuDestiny because she's good looking but I do think on the strength of 40 minutes of a reboot, with a character who has been on all of four minutes at MOST, that you can't judge yet. As time goes on, if she's having trouble adapting and keeping up, then of course you can call it strictly beautiful casting. But have you seen the new guys splattered across both shows? They're trophies and haven't proven themselves talented either.

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