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AMC: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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I agree with everything here. Liked Erica always, loved her at time but I just don't miss her- especially not initially, now that they're teasing Brooke/Dimitri, I would like a visit for some snarking. Someone said a few months back that she takes up serious bandwith in the AMC universe and I think that's accurate. Especially given the ep reduction, I think her absence gave others (like Opal) some overdue time in the sun.

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Yay, more members for the Jane fan club! I was hoping she would be a secret evil person but it doesn't sound like it.

I wonder how much they changed the Celia story now that Heather confirmed there were "some changes" to her story and hers and the Celia stories were the only ones drastically cut.

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Makes sense that they would hold off on jane's story until season 2.. especially if the initial story was something the new head-writers were not in favor of.. plus wondering if Celia's story will be altered as well since all of her story scenes have been cut. We shall find out after next weeks episodes.

When my mom refers to Celia, she refers to her as Tara Jr... and from what I've read, it seems to fit. Shame Miranda is too wishy washy, cause she should be the Erica to Celia's Tara... not Colby..jmho

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ICAM with both of you. I thought it was a great first season and while I'd like to see Tad, Griffin and Bianca back full time, I'd rather Erica just pop in for occasional appearances. I also think the big reveal will either be about when Season 2 starts or that OWN is going to continue carrying it and possibly help finance the show so they can air more than 2 episodes per week.

I used to love Erica back in the 1980s & 1990s, but her absence isn't leaving a big gaping hole at all. Imo, there was too much emphasis on the Kanes, especially Erica & Kendall, for the last 10 years or so on ABC. I would like to see Erica return briefly mainly to address what's happening between Brooke & Dimitri.

I'm eagerly awaiting the finale just to see if Celia & Jane's stories were rewritten, which is what I've been suspecting since so many of their scenes were cut.

I don't mind Colby being the Erica to Celia's Tara, but then I'm rooting for Miranda to be a one-guy kind of girl when she finally tells AJ she loves him.

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People talk about how so and so is the heart and soul of a show, but to me Erica was the life of AMC. She had such screen presence and gave the canvas so much personality and fire. Im digging the show but its just not the same without her. Its hard to explain but I think she's needed to help it "pop" so to speak. Erica Kane defines All My Children. Good effort without her, but its like someone attempting to recreate a recipe. The cake tastes good enough but its obvious the special ingredient is missing.

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Did we ever see the location shoot stuff with AJ & Miranda camping ( http://blog.ctnews.com/culturecache/2013/05/13/all-my-children-spends-day-at-the-beach/ ) ?

I remember in one episode at the end of July Zach brought Miranda back to the Chandler's and AJ had a bunch of camping gear ready in the foyer. But I don't remember any follow-up on it.

On an unrelated production note I noticed in this week's credits that David Kreizman's wife is now an associate director on the show.

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