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Nashville: Discussion Thread

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LOL! Yep, we definitely see these things through different lenses. I admit that I tend to be hypercritical of shows that I don't think are working, especially when I think that they have potential. I want to rush fix everything before they get cancelled.

In the case of Nashville, I just don't see how an "All about Eve" story can work when Margot (Rayna) and Eve (Juliette) rarely ever share a scene or spend most of their time in completely different stories. I don't think that Rayna and Juliette have to bitch at each other every second, but if they do not interact there can never be meaningful tension between them. It is this tension when well done that engages the audience and gets them rooting for or against one of the leads. This is why on Dallas, no matter how bad things got, Bobby and J.R. usually shared offices at Ewing Oil and lived at SouthFork. It was implausible as hell, but it was the only way TPTB could give us those entertaining tension filled dinners in almost every episode.

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There is one thing about Nashville that has been driving me crazy and that's the makeup. Every woman on that show is walking around in this heavy frosted eyeshadow and false or heavily mascaraed eyelashes. It's like they're in stage makeup all the time. It's as if they put on their makeup with a putty knife.

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In the last episode Deacon was all like how you could say those things to Juliette, she didnt deserve it. I was like really? Did you not just witness how uptight and immature that bitch was? I was like Go Rayna! Someone needs to slap her with a healthy dose of reality
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I have to agree. Is Deacon back on the stuff? Was he not sitting at the table when Juliette was tossing out insults and basically telling Rayna she's a thing of the past?

Gunnar and Scar have been turning me off since eppy 1.

Very disappointed in Coleman, and I can only hope he turns this around.

That's all I got...

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  • 1 month later...
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We so called it ages ago that Deacon was the oldest daughter's dad. So happy to be proven right.

I really enjoyed the episode last night and now I'm dying for next week... I love the interchanges between Rayna & Juliette. They play well off of each other. I just want it to come out about Deacon being her dad so all hell can break loose!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I caught this last episode. Boy, has this show improved. I swear, it is like the writers read my last post and decided to incorporate my main suggestions. Rayna and Juliette on tour together snarking at each other is quite entertaining. Now Deacon has joined them on tour and no doubt will pursue Rayna. All we need now if for Scarlett's new band and Avery need to join as opening acts. These characters need to be in constant conflict if no one is going to die violently or get attacked on this show. I will miss the talented actor who played Liam. He might have been the man for Juliette. I like Eric Close, but he is extraneous and if the show gets renewed, they should kill off his character.

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Ann! LMAO at die violently or get attacked... don't super impose TWD on all your shows lady!

I need for Deacon & Rayna to get together ASAP like seriously. I love them but I also love the conflict of her fighting her feelings for him and Deacon kinda not giving up.

Teddy's affair needs to fully come out so Rayna can get out of that marriage and I need for that paternity to come out before the season finale.

I like what you wrote about the acts Ann and how they could come together for a tour. Also, I think we're stuck with Eric sadly. IA 100% with you about him but they upped Kimberly Williams-Paisley to a series reg. if they get renewed so I don't see him out.

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LOL! I know. It is kind of scary how I keep waiting for people to die horrible deaths or get attacked on almost all the dramatic shows that I watch now. I suspect I will be cured when TWD returns.

I think they will string out Deacon and Rayna's reunion. It seems to happening too quickly. He is bound to be furious when he finds about she hid the paternity of his daughter.

I did not realize that Kimberly Williams-Paisley is now a regular. She did something to her face. She looks different. Having her join the cast means that she is Teddy's potential love interest once he and Rayna finally separate. I think it is a mistake. I don't see a place for Teddy in the show long term.

What is Deacon's connection to Coleman? Why does he have his tel. no. and why he was trying to call him?

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LMAO, you need to watch some of those videos that are posted in the thread!

True, but as long as they don't do Deacon/Juliette I'm fine -- like most I wouldn't have minded a Juliette/Liam thing because they had so much tension and I could not stop laughing when he laid down on the stage just to get her off. I really liked those two.

I still don't get why he can't put two and two together especially after what he was saying last night with she can't even hold off on marrying someone when he was in rehab etc. etc. and I'm like PUT THE PIECES OF THE PUZZLE TOGETHER DEACON! YOU CAN DO IT!

Yeah, currently in S1 she's not but should they be renewed she will be in Season 2. ICAM there's just no place for him and that whack storyline. All he does is b!tch and complain about Rayna not being home and he's there raising the girls by himself. I agree that it would have been more compelling to see hopefully in the finale (or leading up to it) Teddy die and for Rayna to be a touring mom raising her kids solo.

Ooooooooooo I might have missed that part since I FF some scenes. When rewatch it again I'll hopefully have something to say about your question.

Sucks Liam turned out to be such a douche, I liked him and just Ugh.

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I actually don't want them together so quickly. I love watching their angst. That scene outside the house ("you gave up on me") was really good.

I bet the secret comes out in the season finale.
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