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February 6-10, 2011


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They're very bad but I'm not panicking yet.

That's what people said in 2008 but they got a huge storyline in 2009 and the ratings went up. That's what DAYS needs right now - an outlandish crazy big storyline. If you write it, they will come. LOL

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Monty, you know better to even allude to OLTL's ratings in this thread. lol.

Let us remember, that OLTL's ratings were simply terrible and that we -crazy- OLTL fans have deluded ourselves into thinking otherwise.

Cue the ratings charts. Cue the AMC die hards. Cue Max, et al.

And GH's ratings most certainly have NOTHING to do with ABC's latest daytime hit, The Revolution!! Monty, could I pay you $30.00 to sit in the audience?


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Unfortunately, every story right now is horrible and GH deserves every low rating they get. RC says his scripts start airing next Tuesday (he has contributed-edited- up to this point). I hope he trashes every single story and starts again. Write a Dallas-type dream story, alien abduction or Helena & Anthony drugged the PC water supply making every character unrecognizable to viewers who have watched for more than 2 years. Whatever. But they have an extremely small window for redemption in my opinion. I guess it depends on if they want to bank on the teenagers tuning in or try to get the longtime viewers back.

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The thing those blaming GH's dip on its poor lead in seem to overlook is that GH has been spiraling downward for several months in fact that has been held up repeatedly as to why GH deserved the boot over the other show . Notice that GH's prior record low in viewers was not lasr week but last July and what show was its lead in then as well as the last 6-9 months as its dipped further and further down.Obviously GH has not been lead in dependent because even a show with 40% more viewers than the show currently airing didn't help it. This is a show that has repeatedly given its once loyal fanbase the finger for years. A well publicized fan fave is leaving the show with an exit story playing out the past few months so why would GH need a lead in. Its main couple has been FB for months with a wedding and now baby coming.

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Why speak facts and logic when it is easier to just blame GH recent ratings on its new lead-in as if its old lead-in was helping them. The fact is GH has been falling in the ratings for months now not weeks.

I never understood why there is so much ego in a ratings thread, the numbers are posted and then discussed why is there so much chest thumping. OLTL had an increase in ratings there is no denying that but lets not pretend that the ratings where out of this world spectacular, that they were going to be the savior of ABCD.

Ratings have so many outside influences worthy of discussing but why do some make it a personal battle between AMC and OLTL.

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I agree I think DAYS is doing a great job! People keep saying that they are rehashing storylines and I don't find that to be necessarily true! And even if it was, NAME me soap that was on air that hadn't rehashed old storylines from the past with newer characters. The problem I think fans might be having is there's none of that flashy campy type writing that delivered a POW factor and gave them the quick satisfaction like at one time all soaps were basically doing to just get ratings up but once those storylines were over, the ratings reflected it. I like the traditional way of writing the writers are delivering and how they are building and developing characters the way a writer is supposed to. I was tired of characters with no depth to them just a filler but no real back story and then the rush to give them one to make them more dimensional which a lot of times failed. To tell you the truth this is why soaps begin to decline in ratings and quality, YES, cable had an impact but I don't think as big as everyone tries to make it. The decline begin to happen when writers stsop telling real dramatic, emotional, love infused, family-oriented, community, character driven storylines with midnless dribble that poked at the fan's intelligence. BUT I guess to each it's own! I'm just grateful that I still have DAYS and the other remaining soaps, BB, YR, GH to still watch. I wish the other soaps were still on and could return to traditional storylines with modern twists and edges, but staying true to the genre and how it was originally written!

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