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Whitney Houston dead at 48!


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Here's my medical take on it, I think I'm very much in line with Harvey Levin of TMZ's opinion...

Whitney's heart was already hit with heart disease thanks to her cocaine use, heart and arteries thickened from cocaine use so that was already somewhat vulnerable. Then you have all the other drugs, the weed, the prescriptions and any alcohol nudging her even closer.

She takes a hit of cocaine, goes to relax in the bath, suffers a heart attack or simply has palpitations thanks to the cocaine, sinks below the water...Houston we have a problem. She's dead.

Removing cocaine from the scene is a crime as it's interfering with a police investigation.

Pat Houston and anyone else in that room had better be lawyered up. This thing ain't over.

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Here's my question... why would they say that the Flexeril and Benadryl didn't contribute to her death? to me, it seems that those things could VERY much contribute to her passing out in the tub and hence, the accidental drowning. I did not know that cocaine caused thickening of the coronary arteries. She certainly was never overweight, but smoking as heavily as she did, we all know, is a big causative factor in heart disease. I guess it's not crystal clear if she had a heart attack and lost conciousness, or simply passed out and drowned.

Edited by alphanguy74
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Did anyone else watch Dr. Drew tonight? He had on Whitney's ex sister in law (Bobby's sister) and some of her and Bobby's nephews. The former sister-in-law stated that she thought Ray J supplied Whitney with drugs and that Whitney told her that Ray J wasn't really anything to her. She said that Whitney said they weren't romantically involved.

The sister-in-law and nephews also said that they suspected foul play and that the people around Bobby Kristina, had her phone number changed and they couldn't really contact her like they wanted. The sister-in-law also said that when she first heard that Whitney had died, she automatically thought it was because of cocaine. And even said something to the effect of someone gave Whitney a "bad bag". The sister-in-law also said that Whitney never liked to use public tubs because she thought they were dirty and how her and the sister-in-law used to joke about that. She said she thought it was strange how Whitney was found in the tub.

I think that someone probably did get rid of the cocaine in the room, before the cops got there.

Edited by xtr
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Flexiril and Benadryl didn't contribute to her death because of the percentages found in her blood and tissues. Those haven't been released yet but they're going to be too low to have been a contributing factor.

Cocaine absolutely thickens arteries, it also causes heart spasms, palpitations and fluttering, all of which are dangerous. That they listed arteriosclerosis as a cause, that tells me that they suspect a heart attack.

And it's only plain logic that someone removed cocaine from her room. She did it very shortly before her death, was in the room all day and there was no cocaine when the police arrived.

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Pat didn't seem to like the RJ & Whitney relationship in that Oprah interview. You would think she would dislike Bobby more than RJ, but her problem was more with RJ - not specifically with RJ, but with Whitney's involvement with RJ.

Nightline is doing a piece on Whitney & the Cocaine now.

"Drowning due to cocaine use. 60% artey blockage. A lot of internal damage from drug use. She apparently used cocaine immediately prior to passing away."

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Yes, they absolutely can. The problem is that I doubt there were any police dogs on the scene because of how it looked, she was found submerged in the bathtub, her people found her, hallway video cameras would have confirmed that no one untoward entered the room and visually there wasn't any cocaine present. The police weren't looking for drugs, so they didn't find them.

The other problem is that they would only find cocaine residue, and residue is not enough to say that Whitney had cocaine in the room, although combined with the toxicology screening a logical inference can be made. Ultimately, I don't see anyone going down for this because they've all protected each other in enabling Whitney and her drug and alcohol addiction.

Just pathetic, what a disgusting way to die. I wouldn't be surprised if she went into atrial fibrillation and slipped under the water. Her body must have been a mess because of those drugs.

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But who does coke and goes lay in the tub?? You smoke weed or have a drink to relax, you don't snort yay. Then again, she apparently liked to lace her joints with coke, so who the hell knows. But Lorrrrd, if she died in bed and somebody put her in that tub...

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