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GH: Discussion for the Month of September

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I tuned into GH for the first time in months this week hoping to find some improvement. Sadly I saw none.

Sonny is still a detestable human being who refuses to accept he's a monster.

Jason is still the Sainted Assassin of Llanview.

Carly is still as insufferable and as wrecked a character. It's not all LW's fault. Tams was the victimized version of Carly who enabled Sonny just as much and was as painful to watch. Even Sarah's last month on the show she wasn't allowed to spit her old fire at Sonny but was sent to her room like a child. This is truly a case where the writers wrecked a great, complex character. RIP Carly. She's been dead to me for years.

I tuned into GH and the only character still standing amid the wreckage is oddly Edward Q.

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I'm not even... because SoapBoy... and then, you know... So I'm just gonna... :)

Okay... the deplorable actress who makes a mockery of the character aside... the Carly character, for me, needs to be out of the Sonny orbit. They should've played Carly the way they've played all of the other exes. A part of Sonny's past. Sure, since they're still on the canvas together and have two kids, they can cross paths... but this ridiculous notion that Sonny and Carly are soulmates? Nuh-uh! Noooooo! The Carly character has not only sacrificed her children's upbringing BUT HER MARRIAGE TO A MAN SHE CLAIMS TO DEEPLY LOVE for this thankless creature named Sonny. And for what? I haven't seen a lick of chemistry between Sonny and Carly in years. Sonny treats her with minimal respect ONLY because she's the mother of his children. But I don't see any real love, compassion or even friendship between the two.

The Jason Worship, I completely accept. I believe every character should have that one character they bare their soul to. I get the relationship between the Carly character and Jason. However, this isn't 1998 anymore. The relationship needed to grow 9 years ago when Jason came back, and only NOW has there been measures taken at doing so. Jason setting boundaries and letting Sam have a prominent say in how she feels about Carly's intrusions. It's going to force the Carly character to, albeit begrudgingly, show some respect and not be this needy, cloying, dependent mess she's been for years. She can come to him with her fears and angst and use him as a source of stability -- but this jealousy, possessive, whiny mess has got to stop. I don't feel sorry AT ALL for Carly when she's damn near 40 years old with a grown ass son as she's standing in Jason's living pouting, whining and getting tears in her eyes about how Jason doesn't love her anymore all because he didn't kick Sam out of the room when she asked him to. Grow the hell up. Be this STRONG WOMAN the script writers keep having Carly tell us she is.

Which brings me to my next point. Let the Carly character be Carly -- and allow others to respond to her accordingly. Don't keep putting words in Carly's mouth, describing her own character. "I never give up. You know I fight for what I want. I'm too strong to cave in. I love with everything I have. I'm loyal to a fault!" Sorry, but having Carly describe her own insufferable behavior in positive, strong words... doesn't make it any less insufferable. It just makes her look ridiculously unaware of how her actions REALLY come across. As a petulant, juvenile brat!

And, finally... GIVE UP ALL HOPES ON MAKING CARLY INTO A LEAD CHARACTER! SHE'S NOT! She's a supporting character. Putting her in 14-18 episodes a month, running around screaming at people does not mean the character is leading any of the stories she's in. She was a supporting player in her own custody drama. It turned into a Jax and Sonny story more than it ever was a Jax and Carly story. Carly is a supporting character, plain and simple. Throw her in to spice things up, sure, but don't oversaturate the canvas with her.

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I think they should have some of the Bensons show up from Florida and insinuate themselves into her life, constantly reminding her of where she came from, and in some cases, repeating some of her mistakes.

I'd also take away her money and the hotel.

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I have no problem with Carly being a lead and I don't even hate LW but if they want her as a lead they should have fired LW and gotten Sarah Brown back. BUt the real issue is none of these characters have evolved like at all in 10 years. Sonny being self destructuve I don't mind but honestly this hasn't been played out already?. Every women they bring into his life is the "Savior" of Sonny except perhaps Carly, I take that back Carly is the biggest one. Brenda was, Emily was, Kate was, they even have tried that with Olivia. And now Kate is going to play that role again?

I have stayed out of this thread for the most part because there's nothing to say about this show. I think the show is boring to be honest. there's just nothing really happening and aside from a few people, I am not even finding any of the relationships at all interesting. Jason and Sam are just a wet noodle honestly. Matt and Liz I guess are cute but there's nothing of interest at least to me, Lulu and the same daddy issues, and Lucky still isolated on canvas. Jason well. No comment.

And while I realize people keep chiding to give the new HW a chance, isn't the time when a new HW is given accollades is when he takes over and is cleaning up the stories of the prior HW? Maybe I am too jaded to see it. BUt this show doesn't have 6 months to turn things around by that time ABC will have already cancelled it and maybe its a moot point and its already determined.

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Carly was destroyed of any rootablity when she forgave Sonny for Michael's shooting.

Fans can and have forgiven women who forgive a man for hurting them. But fans can't forgive the mother who took Sonny back after that.

Michael being raped didn't even wake her up. I never ever liked Jax but I was suddenly siding with HIS POV. He was spot on every time he said I don't care how much Sonny claims to love them or how much you want those kids to know their bio fathers, Sonny IS a horrible danger and you're a lousy mom to allow him still in their lives.

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Did Sonny just overhear the tail end of Sam and Molly's convo at the hospital? Well, I'll be. Looks like someone wasn't kidding when he said he was a student of Doug Marland. :)

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Totally agree. It was so unrealistic. How can we root for a character who behaves in a way that no human would, unless she were some sort of crack whore? The whole time she was insisting that Jason and Sonny should be around Joss, it just rang so false, I couldn't stand it.

Love LuLu and Tracy's relationship. I hope they keep getting scenes.

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