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Exactly. That's why I brought it up as one of the most infamous cases of same-actors-different-characters not working. These two were fire on DOOL and not only were they not on GH but trying to make it happen literally sucked the life out of both characters and was actively off-putting which was quite the feat considering how iconic Kayla and Patch had been/are.

Goes to show too that contrarily to popular belief, chemistry is not just something that randomly happens out of thin air. It also comes out of the actors' work at characterization and it is a testament to how good both actors are that when they played radically different characters, there was no je-ne-sais-quoi that could overcome how well they inhabited those new characters. Characters that didn't belong together.

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I know Stefan and Laura were well-received in those 1996 flashbacks to her time on the island, but when the show tried to pair them in 1999 and 2000 they just bored the hell out of me (it didn't help that the entire show was boring as hell and glacial by that point). And his calling her "Lasha" over and over just got on my nerves. It sounded like a She-Ra character.

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I loved those silly flashbacks.  Neither looked younger and were just wearing really billowing clothing lol.   I liked Stefan and Laura, but it was weird he was always looking at her portrait and stuff.   I just thought it was fun Greek intrigue or Russian?  Listen I still am unclear what the Cassadine's are.

This also has nothing to do with anything but it reminds me of the time Alexis went off on Sonny at Kristina Sr.'s funeral and told him his ancestors were working in the fields for his family and peasants.  Which is obviously incredibly racist, but damn, that was probably my fave NLG scene as Alexis.

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That was what I was talking about last night, yes. I thought their chemistry was great when he was first introduced - you could buy Stefan as a credible threat to L&L. It was later on, when they did try to pair them and had them doing picnics in the park with that morose little toddler playing Lulu and generally being utterly somnambulant, with Stefan defanged, that it fell apart. I think it was a waste and it could've really worked, but it was the execution that failed the actors, not the pairing in and of itself.

I actually really liked Tava Smiley as Chloe despite the bland pairing with Jax, and I liked her with Stefan despite myself. I remember Stephen Nichols working hard to drum up interest in it among fans, lol. The story with Chloe having a psychic Eyes of Laura Mars thing with Helena was silly, and IIRC they never explained what it or the whole Faberge egg thing or whatever was about before Guza was fired/quit. That whole storyline just faded away. But she and SN had chemistry. I thought it was unnecessary to kill Chloe off; I always liked her, and I liked the possibility with those two. Like the potential of A Martinez's Roy with Laura, something apparently toyed with early on in 1999, it was a road not taken.

As to other stuff: The Nik/Katherine pairing was both Tyler and Coltin Scott/Stephen Martines. Tyler did the beginning before he left but I think CSM did the bulk of that pairing and story. It became very stupid very fast. And the Cassadines had both Greek and Russian roots - that's how the show retconned it in the '90s.

IIRC, Ron Carlivati and Frank Valentini wanted to get SN back as Stefan in 2013. They dropped many hints about Stefan in dialogue with Nikolas at the time. But from what Nichols indicated in later interviews, GH did not offer him a contract or much of a story. My suspicion is they intended both him and Genie to be part of their now-tiresome recurring veteran corps to play out little 'senior citizen love triangles/quads' 1-2 days a week, which is how they often use/used many of the older vets. And neither Genie nor SN wanted to do that, nor should they. The characters were too big for that.

Edited by Vee
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I swear Stefan was wearing a big, white Seinfeld puffy shirt lol and the camera gaze was slightly blurry to make us think they were younger.  I just realized now GF and TC are only like 10 years apart in age lol.   I have never been particularly attached to Luke and Laura, so I like Laura/Stefan.  I honestly would rate Sonny/Brenda, Robin/Stone, and Ned/Lois as higher on my list of GH couples.  I think it's a timing thing.  Luke and Laura were returning, and then they both would leave for periods of time, and I just never got into them.   I also was put off on how frumpy Laura constantly looked and it's not a GF thing.  It was GH wardrobe. 

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