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GH: May Discussion Thread

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Can Brenda please just be thankful her son was retrieved and stop being such an ungrateful bitch? UGH.

And every word she yells to Sonny, he just takes it. I keep waiting for him to act like his normal self and raise his voice with her or something like she deserves! Sorry If that sounds harsh but I'm serious! Sonny looks like a tired, frustrated old man with Brenda. lol. One of the reasons why I've never liked this pairing, Sonny doesn't ever seem to fully be comfortable. He needs someone like Carly or Olivia who he isn't afraid to go toe to toe with without feeling like he has to hold everything in. That's just Sonny to me.


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oh my goodness, I cant believe Im the only one that sees Brenda's side of things here. Carly and Sonny are so wrong on so many levels. Team Brenda here. She is 100% right and the show is actually portraying her expression of emotions quite realistically. I also liked that she confided in Jax that she feels nothing for this kid. It may not have been long but she did start to bond with Lucian. The love she had for her son was given to him bc she beleived he was her son. She was completely blindsided having to deal with the fact that he wasnt returned to her and that she instead has this stranger, one who Carly is working on. I also liked that she expressed her uneasiness with him having the same name as the monster she hated and that it reminds her of him every time she hears the name. That was real stuff and if GH were deeper, they'd actually explore this in therapy sessions.

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Oh I'm completely team Brenda on this...That Woman spent months going out of her way to bash her, yell at her, tell her to stay away from her kids, but then hops on the first plane out of town with Sonny and Dante to get Brenda's kid and firmly insert herself in the kid's life...FTS.

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Team Brenda by default, especially if Carly is attempting to use somebody else's kids to burnish her own "Mother of the Year" halo.

It constantly amazes me how everybody in PC is in awe of Carly's ability to spawn children. Last time I checked, getting accidentally knocked up by a couple different men was what people went out of their way to avoid.

I won't even go into GH's incredibly unsubtle way of trying to make us loveLoveLOVE this hideous, pathetic character. Needless to say, it is one of the major reasons why GH should have been cancelled instead of AMC or OLTL, in my humble opinion. And I say this as somebody who watched and loved GH for years. TIIC's incessantly obvious propping of a bunch of unpopular characters, coupled with their unwillingness to listen to the audience, represents astonishing hubris. When the axe does fall on this show sometime in 2012, they can look to this as two of the main reasons why.

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The worst part is, I want to watch GH..I really do. But everytime I tune in, I find myself changing the channel. I know the show can deliver when it wants to, but it's obvious they don't want to and really don't care about what the fans want. It's disgusting.

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I want to as well. The truth is, I am watching (or trying to watch) every daytime soap right now. Now that two are on their way out and probably two more (GH, possibly Days) will be saying sayonara next year, I feel compelled to view every last minute. But with GH... wow, what a chore. I can't make it through the first 5 minutes. And GH used to be my baby, my #1 show! Even when it sucked royally for years, I was all about making fun of the Magic Penis. After a while, though, the repetitiveness of the SLs, the obviousness of the agendas being pushed... God, talk about writing to please your boss! I would have thought that some change would have come by now given the collapsing ratings and continuously negative fan reaction, but it hasn't.

I can't believe I ever gave Guza props because all his SLs are a complete bust and so dull. His characters are hollow, bereft, dead-eyed mouthpieces for the same old tired dialogue. They have nothing relatable or redemptive about them, even Diane and the Davis girls (and theirs was a dynamic I used to love).

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