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GH: May Discussion Thread

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I think if we're going to discuss teeth, the only two people who need discussion are Laura Wright and Kimberly McCullough. I FLOVE Kim, but her teeth are BAD. LW is just.....yeah.

Becky's teeth are nice except for the gap.

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Ya know, even though Suzanne was all types of wrong in regards to Alec/Lucian, she was scared shitless about the violence in Sonny's world and wants the boy to have a better life. She was the only woman who had no disillusions about Sonny and called him on it every time. I thought the actress did great in conveying her hope and despair if Alec were to be apart of Sonny's life. She brought up Michael and Dante should have definitely related after all the times he said the very same thing. In the end it was absolutely sick when she said they wanted Alec to go with Carly to make it easier to get rid of her and Carly smirked... smirked. She's such an ugly troll.

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yeah thats the part I was referring to that made me want to smack her. She was smirking at the thought of Suzanne knowing that she was most likely about to be killed off. She is a nasty troll. WHY was she even there? I definetly understand why Brenda is pissed about that. I bet the writers did this so that Carly could have something to hold over Brenda. "Oh I saved your son" anytime they get in an argument

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Well spoiler says

and it's just contrived bullshit. I didn't watch yesterday's eppy so I'm not sure why she was even there to begin with but Jax is absolutely right in saying that she's supposedly fighting off a custody battle but she has time to skip the country to be with Sonny. It's just nonsense so Brenda will have another reason to hate Carly. And has that witch once THANKED Liz for saving Josselyn's life??? There aren't enough words to describe how vile she is

And It's so obvious they're putting her and Sonny back together. Brenda is going to take Alec and skip town leaving Sonny "heartbroken" and Carly is going to ride him like a horse like she did before to ease his pain since ya know, she's the only person that ever got him. Don't know what they're going to do with Jax. He'll be an afterthought like always.

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Brenda continues to refer to Carly as "That girl" "This woman" "This girl" "That woman" (& I believe she used all of those at least once today)laugh.gif I don't think she referred to Carly by her name one time. Ok maybe once, but for the most part it was..."This/That ___" LOL

Though this storyline is absolutely dreadful, I have to admit I was kind of riveted by the Dante/Suzanne/Sonny/Carly standoff scenes. Mainly because of Suzanne. Adrianne Barbeau is giving a wonderful performance!

Always nice to have a break from Bambabby

They are AMAZING together. I love the increase in Liz/Jason interaction lately. I hope it continues.

LMAO! I did to. All that horse talk Carly was yapping today, I immediately though of R. Sinclair laugh.gif Hilarious.

This stank look Carly gave literally angered me as I watched. UGH! And she held it for a good 3-5 seconds to.

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She gave Jax the same look when he was expressing his concerns doe Josslynn's safety. It's really a strange "acting choice" on LW's part. I mean, her son was shot in the head, so why she chooses to smirk at Jax when he brings up the fact that her daughter is surrounded by danger is befuddeling to say the very least. It makes Carly look like the worst sort of idiot.

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Actually its a gap and she's had it since she was a child actor

I've wondered why she doesn't get it capped (or braces to help close it in)

but I guess she doesn't want to...I would if I was on television but that's me. LoL

Guza wasn't going to write for Maya just like Terrell she would fade into the sunset

just like Shawn will.

Re: Sonny/Carly I would say its a possiblity for them being paired unless Claire who is a Guza/Phelps pet returns

from Alaska...its the same formula as when Jason and his ex went to save Jake from the Russians while mommy blubbered

holding a blanket..(and Lucky didn't do anything either) only this time Dante came along for the ride. I just can't get

over Carly leaving her kid to go find Brenda's LOL

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Nope. As a matter of fact, the deplorable bitch continued to trash talk Liz while standing over Josslyn's bedside... about Liz's decision to keep Jason out of Jake's life.

No one seems to understand that Jake lived FOUR YEARS. If Jake were known to be Jason's, the kid would've been slaughtered by his first birthday.

There is none. It's akin to double jeopardy.

"I've taken away your son... No, wait... Now, I've taken away your son!"

Huh? blink.gif

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I don't know about all that... I'm racking my brain over the last 16 months alone.


Kristina - Beaten/Car bombed

Cackles - Attempted facial slash/Drugged

Robin - Fell down a well

Bus Crash Ho - Died from brain injury

Abby - Beaten/Attempted rape

Sam - Car bombed

Lulu - Fantasy choking by the Horse (Which LW thought was really fun to play... typical ratchet actress)

Morgan - Broken leg


Dante - Shot

Kiefer - Roadkill

Bambi - Raped

Carter - Killed

Jerry - Shot

Ethan - Beaten/Shot

Johnny - Car bombed

Mac - Shot

Warren Bauer - Killed

Shawn - Shot

Theo - Killed

Jake - Roadkill

I might have missed something along the way, but even if I did, pretty much GH is very liberal when it comes to violence. More males, however, have been killed.

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