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thanks @dc11786 , but how did Melinda (and Brad) find out about the switch?

Also, whenever I read 1982 recaps it sounds like Jenny is very sad to give Mary to Katrina, but she's never angry at Karen, Marco, or the other half of Llanview that seemed to know about the switch.  Is that correct, and if so, why?

Edited by j swift
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Don't know if anyone's been watching the 1986 episodes that have been posted to YT recently, but my new job gives me quite a bit of time to watch. Enjoyed the Vienna story (though was baffled as to why everyone just stood around and let Dirk run out of the train station to the train without at least some degree of a fight). Was a good exit story for David and Jenny.

Cord's introduction has been interesting, and I like the conflict they've given Al and Maria so far, though knowing Maria ends up going wildly off the rails down the road is disappointing, as she really could have proven to be a good long-term character, imo.

Love Dorian trying to nab herself a sexy PI by pretending Paul Kendall's threatening her again, only to have someone actually start threatening her shortly after her plan blows up in her face.

The day to day writing seems very sharp compared to the cringey dialogue I've seen in episodes just a few years later, though I think the edits are missing some scenes because it feels like some beats are skipped here and there. It seems a very transitional time for OLTL, as we watch the old guard from the 70s and 80s leave, and the mainstays of the 80s and 90s emerge. Would love to hear what y'all think, though I know much has probably been said already (watching "live" is always a different experience).

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Someone recently posted that very fun episode when Dorian blackmailed Tina to appear on her show after one of Tina's capers, then Tina escaped from the studio just as Dorian was introducing her segment.

I thought about it today in contrast with the episode toward the end of series where Viki did a retrospective on Fraternity Row because it had been broadcast on her station (WLNV?).

Did Viki own the TV station when Dorian worked there or did she buy it later?  I guess Llandview didn't have to comply with FCC rules about not owning a TV station and a newpaper in the same city?

Edited by j swift
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I'd love to know more about the ownership of WVLE. From what I recall of the 1988 and onward episodes, Max had a sizable amount of stock/ownership (having bought it from Dorian?), but when he was on his way out, Asa made a play for that. Bo owned the station at the end of 1988, but by fall 1989, it was Asa's.

"We'll go on to a more important topic: me."

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What I've seen so far from the '86 episodes that have gone up on YouTube, she's fascinating character that I feel was wasted, especially since she starts off as such a loving, protective mother and wife. She really could have been a great long-term antagonist to Viki, Clint, and Tina, but instead they had her go full-on unhinged, and, ultimately, die.

Thanks again for sharing @DRW50. I guess Tina had already alienated Cord by this point. It's a wonder they ever ended up together.

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As I recall, part of the issue was that BarBara Luna was not easy to deal with backstage.  Today we might have pointed to the sexism involved that allowed certain men on set to behave badly with no repercussions, while women were seen as dispensable, yet her lack of professionalism became part of the OLTL lore.

@Vee  has the details


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