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AMC and OLTL Canceled!

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"Their time here has come to an end."

Mr. Frons, truer words were never spoken.

Would that they were spoken of YOU, years ago, before you took a hatchet to not one, but TWO, daytime lineups.

In the words of The Rock...you can take your cancellation notice to AMC and OLTL, get a freshly printed copy...polish that thing up nice and good...turn that sumbitch sideways...AND STICK IT STRAIGHT UP YOUR CANDY ASS!

If you think OLTL is going to die when it stops airing in January 2012, you are wrong! Dead wrong! If I have anything to do with it, OLTL will live on virtually. And there's NO WAY you or any of your ABC minions can touch it.

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I loved her on B&B as Macy but she is Krystal to me now and I would find it weird watching her as Macy now. Still I would love for her back on B&B when this is done, but the show is kinda crowded. Theres so many women in her age range

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That [!@#$%^&*] is going to make JOKES now? You should pre-enter the witness protection program you prick. Not only did you kill two soaps, you know damn well you killed Agnes Nixon a little bit today, too.

I hope both of these shows flop like a wet [!@#$%^&*] and Frons has to explain this in 6 months when Anne Sweeney fires his ass.

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I still can't get over how little time AMC has to wrap up. Ideally they would trash some of the completed scripts that are in the pike but yet-to-be produced. That would buy them a couple more weeks at least. But I guess that's not really feasible.

Ugh! JR's happily-ever-after will be Marissa finally agreeing to reunite with him, because there's really no time for anything else. Tad will end up with Cara, because there is no time for anything else. I like Tad & Cara, but as the ultimate finale to Tad's almost 40-year arc, it doesn't feel right. Even if Josh Duhamel agreed to come back to usher Greenlee off they wouldn't do it because they wouldn't allow Ryan to be alone at the end, and there's no time for anything else.

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I honestly don't believe he cares enough to mandate a particular storyline end, and I hope that is true enough to work in our favor (for both AMC and OLTL). And in my opinion, Broderick is so much more than decent enough... She really is the best person to be writing AMC's final days. I take some comfort, and have some optimism, in that part.

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Does anyone still believe that LB gets to end things her way? The guy clearly, IMO, told her how it ends. She just gets to fill the blanks on the way there.

What an !@#$%^&*]. I didn't know it was possible to loathe someone I've never met, so much and so deeply.

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