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Curiously, AMC of all soaps has pulled away from envelope-pushing teen storylines in more recent years, all of the ones of current memory have been trite, boring. And Colby is the most annoying type of female when in a relatioship, I hate girls who lose their heads like that, we need another female teen lead. But AMC could have used some hot stolen from Degrassi-like s/ls or something. Give me a cutter, give me a girl with a meth lab in her basement, give me a kid who falls into the whole vampire craze and gets HIV/Hep C from tasting somebody's blood at a party, I mean something more than tired old "I love him but I'm not allowed to... now I love this new guy instead." At least the Liza/Damon thing had interesting chemistry and historical significance. Damon/Colby/Asher is just run of the mill.

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Another one bites the dust. I swear that Colby is a killer. She is reminding me of Aidan. They keep throwing love interest after love interest at her and they keep getting rid of the guys while trying to make her happen. Sean, Petey, Damon...I hope Asher doesnt fall into the same pattern

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Aw thanks, SFK :blush:

Totally. Fatal Attraction-style Colby could be interesting and cutting edge if they actually delved into what happens when a clingy, needy girl throws herself into a boyfriend who is just not that committed. Sure, he likes her, but he doesn't like her THAT much. That could be pretty good if they went all the way with it and didn't go down the over-the-top psycho route. But there are tons of other stories they could tell. I still like an old-fashioned love story, but they could do so much more than just that.

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Exactly. New actors are usually given the standard 3 year contract. It is possible that he asked out because they fired his girlfriend, Allen, and he wanted to move on. I don't see the inept writing team convincing him to stay since they are clearly infatuated with Can't Act Asher. Finn might end up breaking through to prime time and the movies. He has the look and is talented so good luck to him.

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What great ideas! I campaigned hard for Starr on OLTL to become a cutter. All that dysfunction made her a perfect candidate but instead she became...well we know what she became. It's funny how much people claim to hate teen stories but I think that's mainly because the only teen stories soaps do anymore are Romeo and Juliet bullshit. As you noted, AMC has been blessed with some amazing young talent and it's treated them like toilet paper. I liked the fact that they gave Damon ADHD. Granted they handled the subject rather ham-fistedly but it was something relevant and IMO, Finn acted the hell out of showing the difference between Damon when he was on and off his meds. Even though Damon didn't know Liza switched his meds FW played Damon as a character slipping back into his disorder in some wonderfully subtle ways.

I'm with you. Bring on a school shooter or a Mary Kay Latourneau story. Instead of trying to recreate Jesse/Jenny with Frankie/Madison how about they remember that J/J were teens dealing with class issues and recreate THAT? How about giving a kid at the Miranda Center an eating disorder and have Binks step in? There's so much happening with young people now it defies sense that they don't even try to go there.

I think it's a combination of both. I think FW was signed to a standard contract however I also think he asked to be released. He's clearly a theatre guy and IMHO hardcore theatre people don't adapt well to soaps. Whether because of timing or a change in writing regimes, you didn't have to be Miss Cleo to see that AMC wasn't committed to Damon. Better to get out now. Some actors DO choose to walk. Michael B. Jordan (Reggie) left AMC so he could finish school. Nobody believed that at the time (including me) but it was true.

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I was hoping this was Mathison when I read the title..... but he'd probably have to murder someone to get fired.

Anyway..... I really liked this guy with Liza; I thought they had really good chemistry. Eh, whatevah.

Hmmmmmmm, I had no idea he was dating Brittany "Grandma Boring" Allen.

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So, the whole let's-make-this-guy-Tad & Hillary's-kid-even-though-those-two-couldn't-possibly-have-conceived-a-child scheme turned out to be a waste of time? Why am I not surprised?

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