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K.T. Stevens has only 3 entries after Y&R on her IMDb page. Maybe she was mostly in theater in the 1980s, who knows. I think K.T. Stevens could have played a 1980s primetime soap matriarch but for whatever reason that didn't happen.

The Leslie/Lorie confrontation where Lorie realizes Leslie is pregnant by Lance and is trying to pass the child as Lucas's would've been more powerful without the shrieking. Watching that scene I thought Leslie was going to collapse. Something about Victoria Mallory's acting style from what I've seen makes Leslie come across as so fragile that you just want to protect her from the outside world. I don't know if Janice Lynde was the same way as I've seen very little of 1973-1977 Y&R.

Edited by kalbir
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In those Lorie edits, Victor seemed really drawn to Lorie. I think she was the one that got away. I'm pretty sure Victor/Lorie was Bill Bell's initial plan until behind the scenes events changed the storylines. Now if Victor/Lorie happened would they have worked as a 1980s high society power couple, with Victor running Newman Enterprises and Lorie writing bestsellers?

Edited by kalbir
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You may be right but not sure if Victor/Lorie was a definite plan. Bell wanted Lance back and they approached John McCook in mid to late 1980 to return and only began recasting once he firmly declined. So it seems Bell had always wanted to wrap up or revisit Lorie and Lance. There was no reason in 1981 that Lorie and Victor couldn't have been lovers, but they barely interacted that year until after Vanessa's death. So I do wonder what happened there. He put Victor in the triangle or sort of quad with Michael/Julia and Eve and put Lorie back in the 4 L's quad.

I have to wonder if Bell was waiting for the other shoe to drop with JLB. She had been talking about leaving every year since 1975, but apparently she got pretty close to going in 1980 and I wonder if he knew it was only a matter of time, maybe he saw how burnt out she was. I feel like in 1981 Bell was wrapping up a lot of Lorie's past threads with Vanessa going and Lance returning and ultimately choosing Leslie. Lorie was being cut loose long before she left and her last story, besting and leaving behind Victor, had her go out on top. I wonder when Bell knew she was absolutely leaving. 


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I haven't kept up with reading this thread, so maybe this has already been discussed?

I am hard of hearing and always turn on the closed-captioning, even though English is my native language.   I can understand English audio without captions, but it's harder - depending on the actor and the background music. 

If there is no captioning, then sometimes I have to slow down the video to half-speed and/or rewind and watch a scene a few times, which can be a bit of work.  Sometimes I can find an old transcript of an episode on tvmeg.com.  Then I have two browser windows side-by-side - with the uncaptioned video in one window, and the transcript in the other window as a reference.  Sometimes I can find old recaps on soapcentral or wherever and read what happens in the episode after I view it, if I'm confused. This is imperfect, but I can make do.

I appreciate older videos that have English audio with a foreign-language closed-captioning imprinted onto it.  I don't care if it's Turkish or Norwegian or whatever language.  I have often paused such a video with the foreign words on the screen, then typed them into a Word document. (I have a way to type non-English characters such as ø ñ é ü into my document, so the language doesn't matter).  Then I input the words into "google translate" to find out what the characters are saying! This really helps me.  It's a lot of work, but sometimes that's all there is available.

I've read this thread a little (and also a little of the B&B old/classic thread).  I really appreciate the Vault - what an enormous gift you are all making for everyone.  I gather that the Vault is gradually being updated so that some of the old videos that have captioning are being replaced with ones that don't have captioning -- so as to make the video appear as much like the original as possible.  I appreciate the desire to have original-appearing episodes, and to remove the nonEnglish captions.  But is there any way to save a duplicate that has captioning - captioning in *any* language?

If that's too much work, I totally understand.  I can make do - even if I can't hear every single word.  Usually I can get the gist of things - it's not that deep, LOL.  I'm certainly not asking that deleted stuff be reconstituted, because that would be way too much work!  Just wondering if any newly-discovered videos that have imprinted captions could be saved as a copy?

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@janea4oldI know I've really only deleted things in there when there was a space issue and I would usually just delete the bigger file if there were multiples of the same episode.

If you do come across videos that have the hard coded captions that you need, you can save them from the vault by hitting the radio button next to the video name and hit download. I always recommend everyone do that anyway if there's something you like, even if it's from YouTube, or whatever. You never know what could be gone tomorrow if copyright becomes an issue. I keep a hard drive with my own local copies of things.


The vault has been such a godsend as far as having a place to save things, as YouTube is so unreliable because of copyright. I had never thought about the impact that it would have on a hearing impaired person. YouTube would be a better place for you to watch videos because it can generate automatic captions. The automatic captions are not great, but definitely sounds more convenient than the system you have.


Is there a particular era that you're interested in? I used to upload more to YT but recently been doing more on the Vault to avoid double work. @YRfan23has a ton of playlists for the 80s and 90s, 

and this channel has a lot of 2000s and 2010s https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuJkTOrjRs3ygJNMk1dfm_A 


If the video on YouTube has no captions or the video isn't on YouTube, then you can just upload the videos for yourself on YouTube and make them private so you can just watch with the automatic captions. I did that with the German episodes so I could at least be able to read the English translation (as bad as it is). They are extremely temperemental and don't always work, so PM me if you have trouble with them, I've figured out some workarounds for when they don't come up automatically.

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Check out Yandex Translate. It's a very good site and much better than google translate. You can take screenshots of text and it will translate it for you, no typing


Here for example, I took a screenshot of an Arabic subtitled Y&R video and it translated the text for me in a second.


They also have a text to speech function. https://translate.yandex.com/ For videos in English, choose English for the first language (the second language doesn't matter) and then hit the microphone button in the lower corner and play the clip. It will transcribe it for you.

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Clip G around the 30min mark is from early 1981 when Lorie and Leslie were fighting for custody of Brooks. Mitchell Sherman (William Wintersole) makes an early appearance. Brooks also appears. I believe played by R.J Williams. I remember an article that stated during the scenes when Leslie took Brooks to the Circus (Y&R did an elaborate indoor set for this) R.J broke his arm (might have been off set) and Andre Gower replaced him. I can't find the article though. But it was around summer 1981

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