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I think writers just hope that we, the viewers, are stupid enough to forget about characters once they are no longer appearing regularly. HA!  Soap fans have memories like steel traps. People still talk about Bobby Martin vanishing into the dark recesses of the attic on AMC, back in 1970!


It would be cool if Y&R could take some old footage of Stuart and some old footage of Dina from the 1980s and splice the pieces together as a bit of a teaser.



You would miss the show's very best years: 1973-77!

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@vetsoapfan From the 1970s I'd watch the Katherine/Jill feud and the early storylines of Paul and Nikki, but that's really it. I'm not drawn to the original 1970s characters as much as most people here are, probably because they were phased out by the time I discovered Y&R

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Well im like u as well i always seen it on tv in the 90's when my mom and her sisters wouls watch but never actually watched it until like late 2006 so i wasnt even born when half of the good stuff aired. But when i started to watch i wanted to know the history amd now im interested.


I would love to see the early jill/katherine material and early nikki/paul stuff and early brooks stuff and prentiss family there alot of good stuff from those times that would blow us away rifht now

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I would rewatch a cut of the George Rawlins murder mystery.  At the time I found it to be rambling and unfocused.  However, I would imagine that cut together as a single story it would hold together and the twists and turns would seem more intriguing.


However, there is the character of George's niece (a beautiful brunette with a voice that sounded like she had a constant stuffy nose) who also seemed to just disappear.  I remember thinking when Brad inherited the Rawlins estate, after his brief marriage to Cassandra, that the niece really got screwed in the will. 

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No 1985? I think that was a pretty stellar year to be honest. Actually I get the feeling I would love everything from 1973 - 1994. I remember 1995 - 1997 being okay but not great and 1997 - 2002 being pretty good (except a couple stories here and there)


I would say my fave era is late 1982 - 1994. I love how much more expansive the show got. I love Drucilla and the Abbotts etc.., I even have a soft spot for the bug, lol. I love the occassional psycho and the corporate stories. It really is the show I grew up with. 


In terms of Stuart. The last mention of him in weekly newspaper synopsis is memorial day 1983. Robert Colbert's firing was announced in a newspaper article from Oct 8, 1983. So either the memorial day episode was his last or it was sometime between then and Oct 83. 








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Although the show did have some weaker years (just prior to and just after its expansion to an hour, for example), I'd say that anything written under William J. Bell's watch would be worth a second look. My personal favorite decade was the 1970s, however. Such great writing, directing, music, lighting, sets, wardrobe, everything. Such a charismatic cast! We will never see anything like it on daytime TV again.

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Yea thats the same thing i had read but wasnt sure what it exactly it meant, i wonder why he was fired and did robert ever talk about it in any interview.


I hope with the show currently bringing up stuarts name with dina that maybe we get more insight as to how he died in more details or mayne we wont who knows but i do think the brooks should atleast make some appearances when this unravels vecause this is kind of a big story to not have them apart of it in some way

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I recall one of the last scenes was when Stuart was selling Jonas’s to Gina. Maybe Leslie was the owner still? Kay had invited Jill there to discuss trying to reconcile Stuart and Elizabeth. Jill referred to Gina as a “dish” once she caught a glimpse of her.

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With you on that one. The Kay/Jill/ Phillip triangle is the draw factor from the 70s for me. Anything 89-02ish on streaming would be GOLD. That's when Y&R got its look and story line down to a solid formula.


In watching 90s episodes it really seems like they didn't know where to go with Nina after David Kimble died. The Ryan/Cole/Victoria stuff went on a while! Kind of like Sammy, Austin, Carrie etc.. on DAYS.


Similarly after Marge (and the breast cancer scare which I never saw) I'm glad they finally got around to giving Kay and actual story line in '98 where she fought Jill for the house. I've said this before, but It's amazing how she obsessed over Phillip for years when Rex was a far better husband----never heard her mention him much in years prior.


When it comes to Nikki, some might not agree, but I liked when they got her involved in business plots. It gave the character something else to do other than being at the ranch all day and seeking fulfillment from her man of the moment. It's annoying how she and Victor just can't settle down after almost 40 years...it's time they use another plot device other than relationship problems between the two. (The same goes for Nick and Sharon). 


Edited by ironlion
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