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Lol it gets worse. They call Traci a Chubette and apparently the producers had her put weight back on and off and on for storyline purposes. Beth apparently taped her last show May 20, 1987. This article is from May 23, 1987



Edited by will81
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So we have Quinn Redeker's first airdate, this article is from Wed Jul 1, 1987. So his first airdate was Jul 2, 1987. Interesting they only intended for him to be on for a couple weeks.



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Just the way she has been portrayed as coming on the show and leading up to her even now, there should be way more story for her until this day but these writers dont really use her at all and she is beautiful even though she wasnt as slim as the other cast mates but she's unique to the show and needs to be more appreciated as a character.


I like that she hasnt completely phased out she has been on pretty often enough in the last year and a half so atleast hopefully they can explore more of traci for what she has become now.


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Terry and Eileen.   They could look more affectionate (and more exasperated) with each other than any two people I've ever seen.


I believe Bill Bell told about all the story he wanted to tell with Traci in her first five years on the show.  He had her shed some of her "chubette" poundage, be praised and appreciated for her singing, marry her big crush (Danny) platonically, spar with a shrew (Lauren), and ultimately land a handsome husband (Brad).  When he'd accomplished all those things, Bell sent her packing back to college to work on her master's degree.  After that, he only seemed interested in using her sporadically or in a recurring capacity when she was needed in the storyline.  And I tend to agree that she works best in that matter. 



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I've loved the Lauren/Traci talks with them burying the hatchet...and Brad admitting she was the one that got away.


I like when Traci comea back for visits...she's the one that inherited John's wisdom and calmness.  I loved even Victor was intimidated by her.

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Good evening everyone, I'm a girl, huge fan of Niktor. I seek & I collect their clips, so that I can create a sort of chrono story. I am looking above all for episodes relating to the period 1992, 1998/ 1999, end 2000, 2001/2007. but not clips where they fight. can someone help me? Thanks in advance.


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When has Victor been intimidated by Traci? I haven't paid much attention to the show since she gave him her daughter's heart and told him not to waste it (which he did). I enjoy the character of Traci, but it would be nice to see her get fed up with Jack and Victor now and then. Their feud is pathetic at this point. 

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I was just watching the Nov 20, 1987 episode where Eileen's Ashley got so fed up of Jack she laid back in her chair and started fanning herself and rolling her eyes. Terry/Jack was being more annoying than usual about Brad. At the end Jack leaves and Ashley does the gun to the head thing.


It is these moments that were lost with recasts, the shading of things. I also liked in the same scene when Jack makes a quip about Brad, Ashley's demeanour gets darker, I think more so for Traci than Brad. Ashley was pretty much a surrogate mother to Traci and whenever something about her life came up, Ashley was immediately defensive. Especially with Dina and Jack.

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