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Yeah poor John.  He was really an idiot from 1995-1997.  Marlena was dumb about John's feelings but at least she actually figured Kristen's schemes out eventually.  John slept with Susan and couldn't tell the difference.  Lol Nvm Marlena couldn't tell John was not Roman so they truly are meant to be.   


On another note I am always confused about the Brady custody situation.  He appears to live with Marlena some of the time.  Did Jarlena ever explain this or were the kids just lumped together because why not?  I mean it's totally not important now, but did John just expect Marlena to raise Brady if he died in Aremid with no formal custody agreement?  I know there is a scene where he tells her she gets all the money for the kids, but that's kinda of a big ask to have your ex raise your kid with someone else lol.

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It’s funny hearing all this talk about social cues being ignored and that sort of thing back in the 90s. If that had been going on today, a smart writer would be bringing up neurodiversity as a social issue big time (and they kinda did it with Theo’s autism). It might have seemed completely far fetched back then when Asperger’s was only starting to emerge, but now that there is less of a social stigma around it nowadays (but nevertheless it still exists), neurodiversity is something that should be more explored.

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I forgot to add this. Here is a script collection given to Online Archive if California. Has Bell's scripts for shows he worked on with episode numbers and air dates. Does not say if he wrote all scripts. I say this because they have scripts for the show up to 1978. Maybe Bell was more involved with the show post 1975. He stated he was very much gone before the show hit 1 hour, but why would he have scripts after this time. I think he really may have been consulting and has down played his involvement



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Bill Bell was a story consultant with Days through 1978. I believe that was the deal he made to get out of his contract at Days. He stayed on as head writer until 1975, and then stayed another three years as story consultant overseeing the head writers.



As many "Days" fans know, Betty White appeared on "Days" as several roles (a teacher and nurse) for an NBC promotional contest back in 1988. I had posted many years ago about a mystery third character named Brenda that Betty is listed as playing on the "Days" parking clearance list.

Soap fan Albert just emailed me this week and solved the mystery! Betty actually played the role of Brenda on "Another World." Since she was based in California, NBC had her tape her AW scenes (which were a phone call to Mac Cory) at the "Days" studio. Trent Dolan is listed as Mac on the "Days" parking clearance, but Albert has surmised he was just standing-in as the character to read the lines to Betty for Mac's portion of the phone call. Douglass Watson, the actor who played Mac on AW, would have then taped his portion of the Brenda/Mac phone call in New York where "AW" taped.



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Thanks Jason. 

I have a question regarding Pat Falken Smith. Seeing that call sheet above reminded me of that era when Bill and Janice returned.

I think it was Daytime TV at that time interviewed Pat Falken Smith about being a consultant to Days, thus the return of those characters. Her position must have had some influence going by the fact that she was interviewed and those changes happened onscreen.

I don't recall anything on your (fantastic) website about her involvement in the show at that time and I have never seen it mentioned anywhere.

Am I imagining this? Do you have any info that could verify this?

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Thanks for tha info. You always have such well researched information. I was confused as Bell stated in an interview that he had nothing to do with the show once he left in 75 and the title "story consultant" was in name only. So it was a surprise to see that he had scripts from that period and I guess he was more involved than he stated.

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When I had research done many years ago on some of the 1966 scripts, I tried to get some info on minor characters as well, so I do have info on Sam!


Cast: Tom, Mickey, Susan, Diane, Rusty, Sam Wilson.
Sets: Hospital Room & Corridor, Mickey’s Office, Tom’s Office (University), Restaurant Booth, Diane’s Living Room.
Mickey tells Diane that he can not set date for divorce proceedings, and Susie and Diane become further estranged.
Sam Wilson Info: (Tom is just finishing taking Sam Wilson’s blood pressure. As he unwraps the arm pad, Sam looks up at him anxiously from his hospital bed. Sam, is young, robust.) Rusty and Tom are discussing whether surgery is warranted. Wilson is a baseball player and a possible gastrointerostomy  would end his career. Tom think it's adhesians from a pervious appendectomy.

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