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Just curious...how is anybody posting anything DOOL on youtube at this point with their copyright police in seemingly full force? I'm asking because I haven't uploaded anything in over 10 years and stopped because it wasn't worth the effort, what with getting the e-mails later that they got blocked. I used to have about 50-60 soap clips on that account, all 1980s-1990s, nothing current. Over the years, they've reduced that to about half...particularly BMG with the music clips in some of the soap scenes and Sony. I just got another 7 e-mails about blocked videos, all Sony, all posted more than 10 years ago and all Steve & Kayla. I've gotten a few others the last few weeks. Funny, I have another channel with some old GL clips and I never hear a peep about those....maybe because that one has a lot fewer subscribers or less interest. 

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I never understood how so many could find him sexy with that mullet. Most guys got rid of it when the 80s ended, but Hogestyn carried it for another whole decade! It was at it's wildest during the possession time period.




Sony and Entura have been going after DAYS clips for the last three years. Before summer 2015, DAYS clips were usually left alone unless a scene had some particular song that got hit with copyright infringement reported by record labels.


Those of us that upload now usually make the clips unlisted so they can't be found by searching on Youtube but only through links. Some don't even use any names related to the show in title for the clips, not even character names.

Edited by Sindacco
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For me, this was always Reilly's weakness as a writer.  I appreciate making an audience beg for something to happen, but in a Reilly soap universe if the couples would have spoken to each other as often as they spoke to themselves in empty rooms most of those plots would have been over in twenty minutes.  Every couple was driven apart by a false sense of loyalty that never sustained logic.  And every couple was doomed to have trust issues because they lied to each other about everything from cancer to babies.


I'll never forget DAYS after Rielly, Nicole was involved in some cockamamy plot with her ex the mayor, and she was explaining to EJ that she had to go to New York to pick up some plot device for the mayor.  EJ consulted with her and explained that she should get the plot device, but now that she had something of value, she could negotiate her way out of her debt to the mayor.  It was a dumb plot but it felt like, (in contrast to the prior writing), characters were conscious of their actions rather than just reacting without reason.  

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Reilly made characters too dumb. I think John (and maybe Austin) suffered the worst under Reilly.  Sure it took them forever to give any sort of payoff in those triangles, but every OTP couple was made to look dumb. 


ED/Kristen was amazing and Reilly smartly ran with it, but let's be honest there was no reason for John/Marlena not to be together after Aremid.  All the handwringing and does he/she love me was annoying after a bit of time.  What was John's endgame plan to just stay with Kristen forever and ever instead of just ASKING Marlena (a woman who practically swoons everytime you walk into the room) if she loved him too?  Hope/Bo/Billie were also majorly idiotic in their stories.  I am not sure if John every recovered from the stupidity of him not knowing his live in fiancée was not pregnant and at times a completely different person.



And Marlena, girl, the man wrote you a letter when he was going to die that he always loved you and always will.  Outside of him physically saying those words to you-that's probably about the best proof you will get that he likes you.  So, knowing this, you are going to let him be with Kristen and 'his son' while you are raising his two other kids?


And Caustin never recovered.  By the time they resolved that story.  Austin was brainless and Carrie wanted Mike anyway.


Like you said all the loyalty and self-sacrificing these hero/heroine's did wasn't heroic it border lined on actually being selfish to the person they loved by not telling them relevant facts like, hey, she is not actually pregnant.  Or hey, Sami, we aren't one big happy family.  I always loved your sister. 


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Is it really a mullet, though? It's definitely very 80s but looks more like helmet hair ala Bobby Ewing.

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 In any case, the sexiness wasn't affected all that much by the hair I guess... although he did look even hotter when he finally trimmed it.


You've quoted someone else with my words, @j swift


This isn't really what I was talking about -- I was more making a note about Hogestyn's performance, which can vary wildly from decent to laugh-out-loud hilarious. On the other hand, from what little I've seen from the second half of Reilly's first run, I agree he probably stretched things out too much... but I'll have to see how I feel once I properly watch it all.

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Some of us have talked about this before but one of the things that made the outrageous stuff work was how the actors and writers played it seriously. But one scene during the Possession always cracks me up. John and Kristen go into Marlena's bedroom. I think this is right after MarDevil has attacked Mike and Caroline. MarDevil is in the air and pushing wind into the room and John flies back against the wall, Drake has this serious look on his face, all while his hair is living a life on it's own, LOL.

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Can someone else me with this? Years ago there was this Australian site that did recaps of old episodes of Days, 90s Reilly-era Days, I think they got the show maybe 5 years after it aired. I remember them being hilarious, full of screencaps and synopses and my first introduction to the show. Does anyone remember the name of that site?

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Same here. All my DAYS clips were getting taken down and my YouTube channel almost yanked completely before I purged it of all DAYS original footage. It really stinks. If NBC isn't planning to stream episodes from 1965 - present somewhere, what's the harm in faithful fans watching their own collections via YouTube? 


My favorite was the johnmarlena channel, which focused on mid-90's John/Marlena stories. I managed to save most of the possession and aremid, but there are still chunks missing and I wish I had saved more stories. 


Meanwhile, there's another channel where a wonderful person has posted every single episode of Guiding Light from 1994-1997; I've been watching it for the past couple years and thankfully no one has touched 'em. 

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I remember that site. Australia was only a few months ahead of Sweden so I used that site for spoilers.


Seeing all those nicknames again is making me LOL!








Amiable Abe

Loony Laura

Sexy Lexie

The Stef



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Without a doubt - it's outrageous material, but the cast, and the writing, are 100% committed to it. I saw the scene you're talking about just the other day -- It's just as John enters the room to begin the exorcism and Marlena does her 'parlor trick.' That hair was giving an Oscar-worthy performance!



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