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Looove seeing Joy. I;d be fine if they let her be the Barbara and have her just appear every so often, once a week, twice a week, fill-in. I don't care. I do love they're using her and she's open to it. I wonder if anything could be going on there?

EW just put out this little nugget:


I'd be fine with those two. The panel needs younger voices and both of them fit in well. I can't see Raven being permanent but stranger things have happened. They really need to lock Michelle Collins down. She seems to truly appreciate being there and she reminds me of Joy.

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Cristela would be my choice too but I like Collins as well.

And Whoopi dismissed that Vanity Fair article on air. Pretty much another "don't believe everything you read" even though after reading I do think there's a ton of truths in there. It's a good read that chronicles the ups and downs.

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I personally love raven on the show. She's certainly good for buzz and I love that she stands by her opinions. Even if some of them are a bit wacky I love that she firmly believes what she believes and she's not swayed or influenced for the sake of "popularity". She's been great for the show as, aside from how bad the show is and how everyone hates each other, she is the only thing anyone is really talking about in regards to the show.

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Even though I haven't watched much of The View in I don't know how long, I did get a chance to watch an episode this week and I sort of see Raven as a cross between Sherri Shephard and Elizabeth Hasselback, in a way that she can often read as being clueless but she does make for an interesting panelist and I don't see her as intentionally offensive in the way I'd see, say, a Stacey Dash. And it could be interesting to see whether Symoné becomes at all more nuanced (i.e. sophisticated) in her views.

I think the show could really benefit from having Joy Behar (re) join the panel, even if it's only for 1-2 days per week, the way Barbara did in the last few years before her retirement. Behar could inject some much needed life into episodes and she's good at conducting interviews, which except for Whoopie (who's not even the best at it), the rest of the current panel seems to lack that skill. Joy can press buttons and be just on the edge of provocative without being totally obnoxious, she's pretty well read and up to snuff on current events and she can diffuse just about any situation with humor, which The View can always use since it often seems to have quite a bit of tension on the set.

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Raven has definitely brought the View some buzz lately. I like her on the show. I just have a hard time seeing her commit to doing it but she's been guest hosting for so long now I guess she likes doing it and a gig is a gig.

I don't think the co-hosts hate each other. Nicolle and Whoopi actually seem like pretty close friends and Rosie Perez and Nicolle seem to like each other more than I thought they once did.

I agree with dramatist about Joy and Raven, completely. I'd be more than happy if they brought Joy back and let her do what Barbara did. I think that way they can have five co-hosts but have others co-host when Joy isn't there, like Collins and Cristela. Or they can dump Perez and sign on Cristela.

The fact is, they NEED five solid co-hosts. Period. No more of this guest co-host crap. No more of them having just four hosts. Basically it's time for them to piss or get off the pot in regards to nailing down a group of co-hosts. I think the show has seen a bit of stability with Collins and Raven co-hosting and even Whoopi has made comments about needing a full group of hosts. It's not exactly a good thing when one of Nicolle, Whoopi or Rosie aren't there and you have THREE guests co-hosts.

I'd like to see Stacy London as well. I enjoyed her as well.

They have some good options. It's time to do something.

Edited by KMan101
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I love Raven she brings a much needed young demo to the show which skewed so old at the beginning of the season. I think Nicole and Rosie have improved since Rosie O left they seem way more relaxed. Everything has gotten better since Rosie O left the show

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So yesterday they were testing Cristela and Stacy London again. It's interesting that they clearly, IMO, are testing out different groupings. I like both groupings (Collins/Symone vs. Cristela/London) and I still want Joy back. I'm torn. I think they should go younger with Collins/Symone (Raven gets them buzz) but Cristela and London fit in better with the co-hosts (and I think they'd normally be my pick but the show needs to do something different). So to me it's just a matter of them figuring out what they want to go with.

Edited by KMan101
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I think Perez is for sure It next year so I expect three new co-hosts. Raven seems like a sure thing and Cristela could be Rosie's replacement. Overall I still find The View to be unwatchable lately. It's on its last legs creatively. Whoops needs to go badly. Had she not been on this season I guarantee yiu ratings would've been up and the show would be doing much better creatively.

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