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Alan always gets all uptight and puts a face. When actors speak truths. She's such a school marm. Alan came up with a great idea. Which everyone started copying. But he isn't the right person to host the virtual reunions. She's just a mess at it. At least bitter Betty Dolan doesn't look homeless this time. 

Edited by victoria foxton
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I understand we all need to make $$$$$ but to say she was stuck on soaps. Yes I got that feeling from her today but  thats a cop out to me. 

Thats like Tony Geary saying he stayed as Luke cause no one saw him as anyone else

its just trash

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This seems to be another Youtube channel that reuploads various clips from sites over the years, but there are at least TWO 1972 pieces I honestly don't remember seeing before. If they are also new to you you'd better save them while you can.


@All My Shadows @Mitch @vetsoapfan @NothinButAttitude @DramatistDreamer @soapfan770 @Paul Raven @Soapsuds @slick jones (apologies to anyone I forgot in my rush)


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Thank you @DRW50!!!!

I actually do recall seeing this December 1972 ATWT episode back on the old WOST website (sans all those commercials...LMAO @ Fischer Price’s Computer toy!!!!!) like 14 years ago around this time only because we found it funny once Ronnie Talbot appeared how strange it was that the Stewart/Lowell home was like a boarding home for that time but also on how peculiar the story was...Paul was dead but news was quashed to spread along with Dan’s pitiful “THIS ARM IS MY LIFE!!!!!” 

Bruder looked way to young for all this mess.


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Thanks. I thought they must have been around at some point but probably just before my time. I never could watch WOST back then as my Internet was too slow. I'm glad it finally reappeared then. 


From what I've read the show in general seems so odd in this period (I guess this isn't the episode where David takes Ellen out to a bar to break the news). I wish more was available, but I guess two episodes and a clip is much more than I expected. 


It seems like these years of the show had boarders and guests more frequently...isn't that how Liz got her start in Oakdale? 

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Thanks for posting. I had seen one of these before. I also recall an ep from around this time featuring  Dan(?) in a freaky dream sequence. 

This is Irna's writing. all of those pauses. Live of course and originally in color.

 Dean Santoro as Paul.

By March of 73 Irna decided to drop Dan/Susan etc.after having killed of Liz and Paul. Then the strike hit and Irna never returned.


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I had never seen the first one before so I appreciate it a lot @DRW50


But yes this was a strange period for ATWT indeed, something I don’t think ATWT recovered from and why Maryland felt the need for closure for it. I assume Irma probably wrote this during her notorious second tenure. At least later on the show tried to develop Stewart Channing out of all of this it still was damaging. 

Melinda O’Fee’s passing reminds of reading that Mike & Charlotte reunited at one point on GL because she was pregnant with his son but apparently they(possibly Irna or the Soderbergs) had her miscarry? All so she could go toe to toe with Kit Vested(think Annie Dutton of the 70’s, heard the audio clips)

Nice dismantling of the show.

Edited by soapfan770
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It's always befuddled me as she gutted the Stewart family because of immorality yet she also was fine with having Kim raise her out of wedlock baby conceived with her sister's husband. Irna was such a fascinating figure, but I'm glad I never had to work for her. 


Was Irna involved with GL by then? I never remember her timeline. 


Some of the show feels so staid but then some bits like the first scene with Susan and Dan feels oddly 'with it' for these years. I wonder if it's because Marie Masters had such a brisk, unique delivery. Many ATWT actresses of these years feel zonked out. 


This is the other 1972 (I know it was already posted some pages back, sorry).


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Wow, thanks for the heads up, Carl!! I’m going to watch the full episode later, but the clip is interesting.


I don’t think I’ve ever really seen Paul before, and the Dan/Susan/Paul/Liz triangle is the classic storyline I’m always looking for more of.


For the reputation that the P&G soaps get, I have to say that most of what I’ve seen of GL, ATWT, and AW from this time period has a deeply intimate, personal feel. Not sexually, but just lines like Betsy’s “Paul is my daddy, so I love him more than you.” Depictions of couples and families just seemed realer.


Betsy’s mention of Paul’s headaches reminds me of all those behind the scenes soap parodies where a performer learns they’re being killed off when the script specifically mentions a headache or a cough

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