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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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A lot of '86 ATWT for me is good but dry. I really enjoyed this ep, especially the "no means no even if you're in love" message (sadly in daytime today no always means yes), and Frannie making sure that mother and her baby stay safe. Julianne Moore has such a serenity in those moments, turning to righteous anger once she is alone with Marsha at the end. Of the many, many "therapy saves your life!" lectures Doug Marland shoehorned into his ATWT run, I think this one is the most powerful. And I think this entire episode is one of Julianne's best performances as Frannie.

I also like the sweet, sad touch of Sierra writing Craig's name on the window. It makes me relate to them more.

Edited by DRW50
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Well, you could probably guess how I felt about that episode. Those kisses were H-O-T and then Craig took it too far, so the slap comes next. So many emotions brewing in those scenes. You're right, I don't see soaps taking time to do those type of nuances nor conversations anymore. Scott Bryce sure did pathos terrifically. Here it really becomes apparent that the Sierra character is coming more into her own. By the end of that year it becomes really apparent how much different she is from the naive girl who first arrived in Oakdale when she's telling off both Tonio and Lucinda.

Too bad the next episode is missing since I really don't remember how Seth and Casey actually got into the cabin. I liked the way Julianne played those scenes, I wonder if it was her decision or the director's to make Frannie act out without fear, as if she had nothing left to lose. In testing to see what Marsha was made of, Frannie demonstrated that she was made of strong stuff.

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Loved ATWT at this time..then it all kind of became Marland's Hour of Morose and the Lily Show.

I love how Marland is so good with the details and how the show always handled "groups," better then any show before or since. I also like that Frannie has a brain here. And Hot Tom is always a treat.. I like that through his worry he made sure his 80s hair was poofed and he was showing chest...though unlike Margo I would have said, "Okay, I wont go, lets go home to bed!" This is my favorite Margo, Margaret Colin always came off so strident. I always liked whatsherface as white trash Meg...no matter what she always looked sweaty.

Bad: Casey and Seth, the two dullest wimps of love interest ever..(the Casey/Lyla love affair could induce a coma) if Frannie would know they were on the way to rescue she would be like" Okay, I'm screwed." What is up with Lisa's frau like dedazzled sweater..in summer? And Craig freakin' crying...just no wimp boy, buck it up okay???

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Even though Lisa doesn't have much of a story, Marland kept her in the middle of dramas (and you are watching her slowly wise up to Barbara, as a panicked Barbara senses this). Too bad that didn't happen in the show's later years.

One of the episodes after this has Tonio and Duncan sniffing around Barbara, and Tad Channing leering at her, saying he'll eventually find out what makes them so hot for her. The whole thing is so tawdry yet also old-fashioned, in some strange way.

It must have been a big adjustment for CZ to play.

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Actually, I can't believe Fulton didn't bitch at this time. She left during the Dobsons and came back and they made her involved in everything...Whit's murder, fighting with Lucinda, her step kids lives, all the young people would hang around her. Then most of her family left and she became a bit more calmer under Marland. I liked Lisa best when she was the head of the familyh and she had all the kids around her and she was butting into all the kids lives. HATED her with queeny Earl.

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Well, from interviews I've read Eileen adored Farley Granger, so Lisa having a romance/courtship with Earl may have been one reason why Eileen stayed on. Perhaps she was a major Hitchcock fan, I dunno.

Even though she didn't have a major storyline she was often included in the major storylines going on (albeit tangentially) trading barbs with Lucinda and John. I was very young during the Dobson era but from what I've read from actor's accounts, it seemed as though the Dobson's had a tendency to shunt most of the older characters (with the exception of John Dixon) in favor of youth. Perhaps seeing Kim, Bob, John, Lucinda and Emma have a good amount of screen time, she may not have felt the sting of rejection that she clearly felt durin the Dobson's tenure.

Just speculation on my part though.

I really would've liked to see how Seth and Casey got into that cabin, though. I don't remember whether I ever even saw that episode.

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Okay, well that gunshot that was heard? I got the impression there was a struggle between the two--I guess Marsha won that round and held her grip on the gun then if she had the chance to fall asleep. Strange that she'd fall asleep again after the last time when Franniehad previously made a play for the gun. Hm.

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I guess it's fitting that we were talking about his episodes then.

Speaking of that, one of the 1986 episodes soon after Susan's return has this moment where Bob and Kim both sneer about Susan and what a terrible mother she is (they literally sneer). It stands out so much given what his later relationship with Susan would be. Points to the show for doing this gradually (it took over three years).

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LOL. at the Bob sneer in that clip. Forgot about that Emily...she was terrible, but soon she would wake up to be a bodacious babe! I like how quickly Marland centered the show around Bob and Kim and their multigenerational family.

Sorry, I was being sarcastic, and following up on my comment that Seth and Casey were duller then dull. Marsha didn't fall asleep..but I am not sure how they got her out.

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