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That fight was hilarious...Lucinda is that strong that she pushes Susan and Susan goes flying...across the room practically and gets knocked out? Isnt this the start of the back problem which is kind of dumb, she just fell down! (Wasnt this a weaker take off of his GH plot where Leslie and Monica are fighting at the top of the Q's infamous staircase and one of them falls down?)

Why would those two be after lizard like John, who wans't even fun at this point, he was sanctimonious and a bore! Susan was still looking good in 97..I think the vets were draining the youth out of all the newbies to keep looking good....( I would say draining the talent from them but its impossible.)

Love that 79 clip. The show was lethargic and poor Pat Bruder, walking around with a sad ass look on her face. One thing I notice, a HUGE amount of phone call scenes, and that sad ass music they were playing. Though Marcia was hilarious...going to the Hoochie;s mother to tell on her, all the while crying croc tears!

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Transcript of Yahoo! Chat with As the World Turns' Colleen Zenk Pinter May 2, 2001

Colleen: Hi everyone. I just got home from my commute from As the World Turns and walked in the door and had to say goodnight to my little ones and put my children to bed so please forgive me for being a little bit late!

Bernard_Sandner: Colleen, would you be friends with Barbara?

Colleen: I think I would be, that's an interesting question. I'm not sure I would agree with all of her choices. She is a fairly intelligent, fairly secure, loving, not always right-headed secure mother.

bfan64: Colleen, Good Evening. Are you happy with the direction Barbara has taken, and how do you like working with Hunt Block

Colleen: Well, I'm thrilled with the story Hogan has given me. I haven't worked this hard in years. I'm having so much fun because I get to play every emotion on the map on a single day. Clearly she's making some huge, huge mistakes. And I'm enjoying myself with everyone I work with and I hope that it shows on the screen.

dancinbear1232000: Is Barbara ever going to have another fashion show?

Colleen: I don't think anytime soon and there'll be a reason for that...

imfun69_2000: Colleen you do a lot of charities and things of that nature what is the one charity you support the most?

Colleen: We've been involved with an AIDS hospice (an outreach program here in Connecticut) called Bread and Roses for a number of years, Mark and I are on the Board of Governors, I would say that is where we are most active after after having worked with a number of national charities for many years. We've found that our efforts paid off a lot more with more grassroots organizations.

amyy0923: Do you think that Barbara will get to make up for her recent lapse of reason by helping to bring the house down on Craig in the end?

Colleen: Oh boy! I'm hoping that Barbara will eventually see the light and she will make Craig pay big time.

amyy0923: Which of Barbara's relationships do you think has been the biggest mistake?

Colleen: The biggest mistake? There were so many of them. Antonio, Duncan, Gavin, just to name a few but this is the biggest doozy of them all.

Bernard_Sandner: Describe yourself in three words? Describe Barbara in three words?

Colleen: That's hard! Hardworking, loving and honest. Barbara, only three? Selfish, pigheaded and blind to reality.

carjacked4life: Is Ben a fun person to act with?

Colleen: Hilarious! He's nothing like Hal, nothing. He's very funny and a wonderful actor. And clearly we worked together very well for many years. It's always fun and games with Benjamin Hendrickson.

bfan64: Who else would you like to work with on the show

Colleen: I can't wait to work with Martha. We have some scenes coming up and I'm thrilled. All these years I've never worked with her, so that's fun. But I don't know if it's Rose or Lily.

kirxx: Why is Barbara so mean to Carly?

Colleen: Oh c'mon! Carly has been a thorn in her side since she arrived in town. Carly has wormed her way into Barbara's life with every man that has been important to Barbara. Carly is just a little pest and I'd like to swat her. Keep watching.

psb_83: Was dressing up for Craig's costume ball last Fall as much fun as it looked?

Colleen: We had a great time. Our costume designers did a wonderful job with everyone. Most of the clothing we wore was all vintage, some of it was from London some was from Hollywood. The dress I wore was an English dress and I had a ball! We all felt very transformed.

nik_elaine: How is Mark doing? I haven't had a chance to see him on AMC, but was a Huge AW fan. I hope he is doing well!!

Colleen: He's sitting right here! How are you doing honey? He says he's doing just fine... on another network!

Bernard_Sandner: What do you think Barbara should get for Mother's Day?

Colleen: A how-to book on Mothering or The Dummy's Book on How To Deal With Teenage Daughters.

lynnjville: Barbara has been a character on As the World Turns for many years. Can you tell me Colleen how has Barbara changed over the years and what storylines do you think have been important to the character she is today.

Colleen: That's a good question. Clearly, her early days as the imperiled heroine, ingenue under James Stenbeck's rule really affected her. She had to gain some backbone to stand up to someone and of course the person who did that for her, inadvertently, was Brian McCall played by Mark Pinter when she was basically dumped over night for Shannon by Brian McCall (played by Mark Pinter). Literally overnight Barbara turned from the doormat to the bitch and I'll never forget it. Eileen Fulton and I had a scene the next day and I said 'Hello Lisa.' And it was Barbara transformed. So that storyline that I played with Mark all those years ago had a huge, huge impact on where Barbara would journey in the next few years. Meeting Hal transformed her back into a human being. Giving herself up and being incarcerated all those months to protect her son Paul had a tremendous effect on her as did falling in love with the man who got her out which was Hal. It was devastating to Barbara to find out he was not the right one, not once, not twice but three times. And her short journey with John Dixon and the death of her baby made Barbara wake up and take a hard look at her life. Now this new wrinkle, Hal turned into a different person, I don't blame Barbara for leaving him. He was horrible and a man she didn't now. Now, she wants more form life and she's looking for it in all the wrong places.

Bernard_Sandner: So, what do you think of Chris Goutman and Hogan Sheffer's improvement to ATWT lately. ATWT seems to be back to the olden days of Doug Marland with this current team! I've been totally enjoying ATWT now...

Colleen: I'm thrilled to hear that because all of us who have been there for such a long time feel the new energy and life in our show and I think it's because of Chris and Hogan. The leadership is behind us, Hogan has been allowed to breather new life into the show. He uses history to transform characters and take them on new journeys in their lives. It's so rich and the fans are in for such a treat over the next few months. There's so much story being told so quickly, please do not miss a day. It's unbelievable.

CTCH3_99: Colleen, don't you think the character that Mark is playing on AMC is very similar to Craig Montgomery? Both are trying to marry rich women for their money.

Colleen: I think that's a valid point, except that his character on AMC was a real grifter with a no-good start whereas Craig was headed down the right road but somewhere along the way took a wrong turn. Craig was a fairly sympathetic guy. I don't really know enough about Roger Smythe on another show, to answer that question, because Mark hasn't been there long enough for them to develop his entire back story, but it's happening. Goodness, I'm plugging another show!

cmw1_99: When did you first decide to become an actress?

Colleen: I've been in the business professionally since I was about 10. Not necessarily as an actress, I did commercials, I did print work and theater. I started out just wanting to dance and be a dancer. Somewhere in my high school years, I only wanted to only do music theater. So my dreams were always for the Broadway stage which segued in going to college and then New York, working in the theatre here and the Broadway stage and finding my way into the genre and realizing what a perfect way it is for me to live, it's not perfect for everyone, but for me and who I am and the things that I want out of life which daytime television can give me and my family, and that's what it's all about!

evan_walsh_iii: You still look as lovely as ever (by the way). Miss working with you. Continued success and happiness to you!

Colleen: Thank you! That's very sweet. Everyone, that was a message from Greg Watkins and he played Evan Walsh on the show for a number of years and I worked with him almost ten years ago! How nice to hear from you!

tyshanescott: Colleen how happy are you this nomination? Is this the most exciting Emmys for you? Who are you bringing with you to the awards and what is your goodluck charm?

Colleen: Well, without a doubt this is the most exciting Emmys for me ever. I'm bringing my gorgeous husband Mark and his gorgeous brother and his gorgeous wife and we're gonna do the town up. It's going to be a fun, fun night. It doesn't matter frankly who wins, just to be on the list after all these years is pretty darn nice.

gator7680us: Any plans to do theatre with Mark? If I remember correctly, you two did Love Letters awhile ago.

Colleen: We've done it man, many y times and will be doing it again on October 6 in Ridgefield, CT at the Ridgefield Playhouse. Then in Naples, FL sometime next February. Also sometime in the current year we'll be associated with the University of Wisconsin as well.

randitaj: What is the first section you go to when entering a book store? why?

Colleen: The Design section or Architecture just to see what's new. I head straight for that or Gardening.

kayla_loves_atwt: Colleen: How are your 6 kids doing?

Colleen: My son is here typing a question, 'Tell us about your wonderful son Morgan.' My kids are great! Everybody is incredible! Morgan is president of the 5th grade. Georgia is making her first communion this weekend and Kelsey is on the college search. Sirri is at the University of Wisconsin, second year. Dylan and Hannah are sophomores in high school, trying to figure out what to do with their lives.

alwaysange: Colleen, do you think that Barbara will be able to fix her relationship with Jennifer?

Colleen: Barbara desperately attempts to mend her relationship with her daughter and is successful, she thinks and then everything goes awry.

seargeant_storm: What adventure would you like to take Barbara on?

Colleen: I'd like to travel to Scotland and see if Brian McCall still remembers me. See if he's still wearing that cute kilt he had. See it Shannon is still the little blank that she was. And the wife Beatrice with all the curly blonde hair.

irna_phillips: We hear rumors that Paul Ryan will soon return to Oakdale, how would you feel about that?

Colleen: Thrilled and I can't say anything more.

map3750: Who's your favorite actor on All My Children?

Colleen: Mark sent that! Who do think honey?!? The one I live with, Mark Pinter!

kekelovejags: Since your husband is on another soap, which show will you sit with at the Emmy awards?

Colleen: I will be with ATWT and my husband will be with his wife!

brianna_11756: Colleen, if you could be the head writer of the show, would you change anything, and if so what?

Colleen: I frankly don't have that kind of imaginary talent. The direction the show is taking right now is absolutely the right direction and I'm honest about this. I really can't imagine any better way for us to be going than this.

msc5012_515: How are you handling the commute to and from Brooklyn?

Colleen: Not very well. It's a very long trip. I leave at 4:45 a.m. and today I finished on the set at 6:45 p.m. I was in the car back to Manhattan at 6:50 p.m. and I didn't get home until 8:55 p.m. and that was a good commute.

klimtgirl17: What is your favorite movie of all time?

Colleen: I can only name one? My Fair Lady, The Sound of Music, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, It's a Wonderful Life and The Wizard of Oz.

klimtgirl17: What were some of your first roles?

Colleen: The Gwen Burden role in Can-Can Claudine, Corrie in Barefoot in the Parkand Ann in All My Sons. These were early roles. My favorite show that I did was the musical show Mark and I do together, Evening with Pinter and Zenk. In that I get to do everything. It's hard to pick a favorite role.

gmanfancc: Does Barbara have a fatal weakness for the naughty boys, or does she just like to have Hal coming to her rescue all the time?

Colleen: Ooh, that's a very good question. She has a fatal weakness in that she doesn't recognize the potential evil in human beings.

tyshanescott: Colleen do you get jealous when your husband does love scenes with other women? How would you feel if they paired your husband with Susan Lucci? LOL

Colleen: Well, I've known Susan for years so that wouldn't bother me. I have been known at times to have a little green monster sitting on my shoulder.

randitaj: What ever happened to arch enemies Margo and Barbara? What did you think of this rivalry and do you miss it?

Colleen: I don't think they have really written the rivalry for us in the past few years and maybe they have even forgotten about it.

lynnjville: Do you remember your very first scene on ATWT?

Colleen: I do! It was out of order and so my very first show to tape was with Don Hastings. I had to burst into tears and apologize for the things the character had done years earlier which of course I had never done. So at 7 a.m. we're rehearsing the scenes and I burst into tears and had tears streaming down my face and Don Hastings says, 'That's ok kid, don't worry about it.'

ATrammell: Member: Colleen you have got to be one of the most beautiful women in daytime. Any special beauty secrets you'd like to share?

Colleen: That's very sweet, thank you. Eat a balanced diet, I don't believe in lowfat, high protein, low protein, just a balanced diet and just make sure you've got a little champagne to carry you through life.

carjacked4life: If they were to remake a movie and cast yourself in the lead, what would the movie be?

Colleen: I think Mark and I should do Virginia Woolf. Yeah, I'd love to see us do the Burton and Taylor roles in that. Mark and I could do My Fair Lady.

kirxx: Who would be Barbara's dream guy? Is it Craig?

Colleen: I don't think so. I don't think he's on the canvas in Oakdale. That's clear. She's tried it three times with Hal.

kittykat850_2000: Do you dress like Barbara in real life? Barbara is so stylish. :-)

Colleen: I am stylish but not like Barbara. She's a little uptight for me though I think she is dressing a little funkier. Mostly you'll find me in blue jeans and a baseball cap.

suite_1001: Colleen, congratulations on your Emmy nomination. What scenes did you submit?

Colleen: Thank you very much. I relied on the advice of our producers. The scenes in the hospital after Parker's accident when I confront Jennifer, that entire episode and the scenes in December when Hal and Barbara decide to divorce, just before Christmas.

kayla_loves_atwt: What is one of your favorite things to do when you get time off?

Colleen: I don't know what time off means right now. Well, it's spring and time for gardening. I took the kids Duck Pin bowling on Saturday night. I'm not a big shopper except for things for the house and generally you'll find me puttering around the house or with the kids.

bfan64: Did you see Trent Dawson dressed up like a woman wearing his Barbara wig?

Colleen:Yes I did! It was unbelievably funny. When he told his hairdresser to cut his hair like Barbara, I nearly died. He wrote that in! That was so funny!

diablosdelsol: How do you feel about catfights in soaps?

Colleen: Well, I think I'm a little old for them. I don't know. Do the fans like them? I can't tell. Sometimes I see them on other shows and there so over the top... they all seem so silly to me. I have to say the other day with Katie, Lily and Ruby it was hilarious. It was great fun because it was so over the top and not women in mud or something like that.

amyy0923: You are one of the better chatters I have seen, I almost didn't join because I am so upset with Barbara right now but I am glad I did, thank you for taking time for your fans.

Colleen: That's very nice.

kaja_0999: Do you get recognized a lot?

Colleen: I used to get recognized more when I was younger, I don't know what that means! Maybe it's the baseball hat, I don't know.

amyy0923: Do you ever go to the ATWT fan sites or message boards and read what the fans say?

Colleen: I lurk all the time!

kayla_loves_atwt: Colleen: Will you be attending the St. Jude Hospital Benefit this coming October?

Colleen: I don't know when it is but we're going to try to get there. My life depends not only on my work schedule but my children's schedules.

micha1880: Colleen, how do you and your husband get away from the hectic pace of the soap world?

Colleen: We live in a very bucolic small rural town in Connecticut. Away from everything!

irna_phillips: Can you tell us what work you are most proud of? I think the scenes after the church fire when baby Johnny died were fantastic.

Colleen: It's hard to pick out one, I've been on almost 23 years. I would say that I think I'm the most proudest of my most recent work. The material I have been given in the last 4 months is so fantastic and what the viewers are going to see I'm very proud of. I think it really stands alone and just makes me feel good that I get to go to work everyday and say those words.

Anthony17USN: What do you think is the most challenging about acting?

Colleen: Being honest.

hermie302001: Do you know what you are wearing to the Daytime Emmys yet?

Colleen: Absolutely. Beautiful gown by Eric Gaskins. It's a champagne colored silk jersey sheath with a small train and beading across the bodice. It will be very comfortable. I just brought my shoes home! Eric is just doing incredible things for me. My jewels are yellow and white diamonds by Addessi of Ridgefield, CT. They're loaning me over 60 carats for the evening! You would not believe what I'm wearing!

gmanfancc: Do you worry that Barbara has become unsympathetic, or is it more fun playing a misguided Barbara?

Colleen: I'm hoping the fans hate her right now. She's not only terribly misguided she's terribly neurotic although she tries hard to be a good mother and do the right things for her children. But she is terribly misguided right now and I love that. I think out there are some fans that find me very sad and that they feel bad for Barbara and remember what Hal has put her through this year that has led her down this path.

gmanfancc: Barbara has had a lot of female rivals...Shannon, Margo, Carly....who is her ultimate adversary?

Colleen: I think Carly is right there and will be for a long time. It's a wonderful rivalry and there's a lot of life in that.

amyy0923: Are you worried at all about the threats of strikes this summer? How will it affect the show?

Colleen: I don't really know I haven't heard tonight. We've lived through a six month writers' strike before and it was difficult but we got through it. We got through it but I'm not sure in this day and age with the lack of viewership in daytime television if we will all survive. It's scary times for everybody in our business.

kayla_loves_atwt: Are you a fan of the reality TV shows, like Survivor?

Colleen: No. Sorry haven't seen one episode of the new one. No time! Besides all those reality shows put actors out of work.

kayla_loves_atwt: What is your favorite color to wear?

Colleen: Oh, my favorite is white/ivory.

pantherfrey62: what cast member inspires you most and why?

Colleen: I'd say that's a toss up between my dear friends Eileen Fulton and Katherine Hayes. They've both been mentors and role models for me all these years and we've developed deep friendships. I adore them both for all of their little crazy idiosyncracies.

zrs0728: Colleen, Hi I love ATWT and I am so pumped about all of the Emmy nominations. (It's about time!) My question is who is the biggest prankster on the set?

Colleen: Benjamin Hendrickson. Actually it's kind of a three way tie right now, Ben, Scott Homes and Michael Park. In the old days it was Don Hastings and Larry Bryggman.

shelt28: Are you and Barbara alike in any way?

Colleen: Well, Barbara has a lot of me in her, a lot. I just don't think I've had the same life experiences as Barbara, thank God. Hopefully I will never make the disastrous choices she's made. We look a lot alike!

gwattaloopy: Thank you for playing Barbara. She gives me motivation to stand up for myself. Thanks Colleen.

Colleen: Thank you. That's very nice.

amyy0923: What do you think is the one thing Barbara would never do?

Colleen: Sleep with Bob Hughes. He was my step father so Don Hastings and I have joked about it for years.

Colleen: I just want to say goodnight to everyone. Goodnight to my mom! I was talking to her on my cell phone and the battery went dead. Thank you so much for all of your support through all of these years. Keep tuned in because the wedding from hell is coming up!

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Same. I still remember how everyone (well, almost everyone) was so high on Sheffer in the very beginning and saying ATWT hadn't been that good since Marland. I, too, had a good feeling about the guy...for about ten minutes. Maybe less.

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