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Dallas 2.0: Discussion Thread


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So awesome to see more of Lucy, Ray and Afton. I wish they had given Lucy and Ray a little more to do though.

Also, I'm loving where this John Ross/Sue Ellen friction is heading.

Nice to see very, very little Ann too. I don't mind her on the background.

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This was a tedious episode. Sue Ellen is just given random conflict dialogue that really has no sense. She cheated in her marriage quite a bit and she should know that she shouldn't turn on John Ross over this running to his wife. Then out of nowhere she decides to torpedo his business deals by running to Bobby. And she has been through so much in her life, you mean to say this crap drives her to down flasks left and right?

It would be nice to see Ray and Lucy not surgically attached at the hip. They could have easily made this girl Christopher likes be Ray's daughter and worked some history into the show. The best thing about the show continues te be Josh Henderson and Judith Light.

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Did I miss the moment Sue Ellen told Emma she reminded her of Kristen, or are those just little asides we're not going to see in the episodes?

I thought it was an entertaining episode, if not the most dramatic. Seriously? MamaRyland just happens to own a brothel? That had me rolling my eyes.

But DAYUM, John Ross was cold telling Sue Ellen she'd overlooked things all her life...once more wasn't going to hurt.

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Just watched the latest episode...OMG.

That scene between Bobby and John Ross...CHILLS were going thru my body. People can say what they want to about Patrick Duffy but when it counts that ole boy can DELIVER. The way he said "boy" just killed me. Then John Ross is just the perfect textbook definition of guy you love and hate at the same time. I just can't with this man anymore! And the way Josh is acting I half the time believe that he's trying to be a good guy and really doesn't want to sleep with Emma or drill Southfork but he's only doing it because of "business".

Again I cannot get enough of this latest episode. Even Elena was bringing it. The only weak spot on this show as Chris and Naomi from 90210. But at least they tied her to that Bo guy (who isn't half bad looking either lol).

Wondering how Rebecca is going to react when she finds out about John Ross....both excited for and dreading the moment that happens.

Couldn't care less about Sue Ellen's drinking but I guess its going to bring John Ross to forgive her later on when she embarrasses herself or something.

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Holy [!@#$%^&*].

First of all, I used to date Elena's spy, so that was a surprise. But what a great episode, particularly the second half. Sue Ellen and John Ross' fight was great, loved hearing her shout, "Bullshit!", and I really liked the way JH played the scene with vulnerability instead of slick smugness. I know there will be those who criticize that direct borrow from the original series having John Ross commit Sue Ellen, but I thought it worked beautifully here. And when Emma told John Ross to go home and kiss his wife after he... YES.

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That scene of John Ross waiting in the dark...HOLY BAT #$$$$. That was intense.....the realization dawning on Bobby and Ann was just classic. And the look of pain in John Ross's face when that guy told him "You're just like your daddy". Its so amazing how much that one life truly affects him. He wants to be so much more than his "daddy" and he can never escape that shadow...especially given his recent actions.

Personally that board room scene was everything that I used to get from Y&R and then some. Just the players standing around the conference table with high stakes on the line. The suspense was just amazing and Sue Ellen's delivery of her "NO" vote was just awesome.

The show has gotten SO MUCH better in terms of the ending of episodes. The way John Ross just revealed the depths he'll go to....and that scene with Emma!?!?!? WOW...didn't expect TNT to go THERE....

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Emma works so much better as a troublemaker than a manipulated, naïve drug addict.

I'm torn on Sue Ellen. On one hand, I think John Ross's maneuver would have been the perfect mid-season cliffhanger. Otoh, it seems anti-climatic. John Ross' big solution is to dump Mom in a psych ward and pull off a public offering in two weeks.

But hey, nice nod to history with Carter McKay's grandson.

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That seriously grossed me out. I feel bad for Rebecca. On the one side is the father who basically killed her children. She should never be on his side again. Then you have John Ross who is cheating on her with a "friend". I guess that still makes John Ross the best option, but I wish there was someone else she could have as an ally.

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I can't believe there's only two episodes left for this season...or is it 2 episodes till the midseason cliff hanger? And they better not disappoint considering how epic the show has been.

And yeah Cliff should never be forgiven but I did find his reaction when he realized that his daughter actually BELIEVED that he had killed JR. Priceless...

And Elena will be Rebecca's ally. In a strange way they are natural allies as two women who have been caught inbetween the Ewing men and their ridiculous rivalry.

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