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Dallas 2.0: Discussion Thread


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Yeah I agree about Afton..she isnt the person she once was but I can see how Sue Ellen still has bitterness towards her. Let us not forget the snark remark she made to Mandy during JR's wake. She may have forgiven but not forgotten all that JR did to her so I can see how she would still not like Afton.

Ugh...Metcalfe ruins the whole show for me. He is just there as Christopher. He is such a weak character. I wish they would recast. Even Nicolas is a better character than him. At least Elena is a little more interesting even though the story doesnt make sense for her revenge.

Sue Ellen vs John Ross(JR 2.0) is classic and I think it was the right direction to go considering Larry is no longer with us.

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LOL, I totally forgot they had a daughter. Wow. Shaking my head at how I forgot. Now I want Ray used even more. Why aren't Lucas and his daughter on this show? I get the budget is probably very small, but still ... Ray's already a glorified extra, toss him a few more lines and boom. And why Lucy isn't a Real Housewife of Dallas is beyond me.

The only reason I can even tolerate Metcalfe this year is because they are finally making him the boring romantic lead he should have been. And AnnaLynne McCord has been a good addition, even wasted on Metcalfe, they at least do have SOME chemistry.

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The fire no but John Ross yes. Although the bulid up has been quick...nothing like the original show. But aren't shows like that now?? Storylines moving at a faster pace....I am curious how the fire at Southforth starts?? Is it the Mexican drug cartel?? Does Sue Ellen set Southfork on fire by accident?? But I do get what you are saying Chris.

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