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Dallas 2.0: Discussion Thread


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Remind me, was Elena's brother/cousin from last season killed? Loving John Ross and Joaquin's suits. Judith Light is kicking age in the ass. JM and his schmacting will forever annoy me, but I see that I've gotten better at just tuning him out.

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That scene with Judith and the drug trafficker was the highlight of the episode. I wonder if any of her OLTL castmates were watching when she did those lines of coke and thought, "Now THAT takes me back..."

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No, I think BrotherMan (whose name escapes me) rode off into the night on his motorcycle. Chrissy threw a hissy fit that Elena helped him escape and they broke up.

I LUVed Bum's trying to get JohnRoss back on the better pathe---"grow into your father's greatness, not his weaknesses" (or some such...it's close) was a great line.

So is the FBI guy real, or is this just another ruse by Harris?

Yes...I think I suffer from HAHN Syndrome. biggrin.png

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A decent episode. I agree about getting better at tuning out Jesse Metcalfe. He actually doesn't look awful with the beard, and I swear he was attempting a very slight southern twang tonight with Heather (AnnaLynne McCord needs to be given more to do! I hope they keep her around, i know it's just a guest/recurring thing).

I'm over the fracking, honestly. Same story, really, different season.

I think there's more to the Harris Ryland twist, but man, I'm finally interested in the character now after not caring one iota about him last week and wondering what the big deal was.

Maybe it was Judith Light and her amazing portrayal. Sooooo good. I about died when she unbuttoned her shirt and made Jesus from Meet the Browns feel her up and then when she did the lines of coke ... dead. Fantastic stuff.

Not enough Sue Ellen tonight. I like how it affects her that John Ross is also cheating. It should. I also liked how John Ross appeared to have actually heard what Bum was saying to him (I also admit I like how they are finding ways to keep him around).

Nicolas/Joaquin is a good addition and I liked Carmen threatening him. For once her character was interesting, but even just drying a dish with no lines she's more interesting than Jordana Brewster and Elena. God, zzzz.

Loved Pamela warning John Ross. Did anyone else think she's going to turn into an alcoholic too when they showed her with the wine? IDK. Probably nothing and just speculation but I found it interesting.

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Ive seen the two episodes and the show is SOOOO good this season. It feels so much better than the first two. It really feels very soapy especially with John Ross cheating on Rebecca with Emma.

The decision to make Elena a bad girl, was such a good one as Jordana just doesn't suit the role of a heroine to me

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Jesse Metcalfe looks very hot with the beard. I hope he keeps it. Not feeling Chris' new girl. I was wondering where I knew her from and its Naomi from 90210. Not liking her new look at all

LOL...I cant with Judith doing a line of cocaine

Question about the original series. Were there any black people on it and if so was JR a racist?

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What was with Sue Ellen saying she had been cheated on for 40 years? Sue Ellen and JR were married i beleive in 1970 and divorced for the second time in 1988. Even in the two reunion movies they never really got back together for more than just a breif time.

Sorry but i hate when writers do that. like people don't love these characters and know their backstories. soap opera writers do it often too and i hate it.

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She didn't say she was cheated on for 40 years by JR. Her exact words were "I've spent 40 years being cheated on..Im pretty good at picking up the signals". That could easily be taken as a blanket statement to refer to her experience with men from the time she started dating to our reintroduction to her with this reboot.

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Jock I definitely could see as racist and the first BBQ with the Gone With The Wind black servants played to that, but I never saw JR as an intolerant man. JR was all about sex, money and power. I never got the impression he would care about somebodys race. Had the show been made at a different time I could easily picture JR sleeping with tons of black women.

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