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Dallas 2.0: Discussion Thread


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The ratings have leveled off at 2.6 million viewers. If the show returns it will return in the summer. I dont see TNT airing it again during the fall or winter airings...too much competition....if 2 seasons is all we get it is better than I would have expected considering it was just a dream to see the show once again. If someone who knew the history of the show were writing the show it would increase in the ratings...where is David Paulson right now??

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*sigh* I just can't imagine having a job on this show and not watching every episode of the original at least twice. I hate to admit it, but Dallas 2.0 is sort of an empty shell. I want to like it a lot more than I really do, still it's good to see old friends.

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I would have already brought in all the Dallas kids....Bobby and Jeanna's son...Lucas......Donna and Ray's daughter.......Cally's son....hell even Mandy could have left pregnant with JRs baby without us nol knowing...it wouldnt be rewriting history but a nice twist...instead we get lame characters like Elena...blah.

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Did they end up having a daughter? Do you remember her name? Just curious. I haven't seen the original in a decade , although I've seen all of the episodes more than once. I do remember that in one version of things Donna was going to have a baby with Downs, but that was a dream season. Didn't she lose that baby? I seem to remember her giving birth in Washington maybe? It's all sort of fuzzy. One of these days I'll break down and buy the DVDs.

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The scene when the doctor tells Rebecca that its best they terminate her pregnancy was HEARTBREAKING. I think Julie did a phenomenal job with it. Oh I had a feeling at least one of the babies would die. That final scene where the baby died and they watched the second one fade away too was too much. This was more emotional than JR's death IMO

Her mother looks amazing for her age. She has aged very well (well great work at least!)

While I think she was miscast as Rylands mother, JL is the best thing on this show. I love her old Texan accent! My only wish is that they make her character even nastier than she is now bc she has potential to be such a delicious soapy bitch. Im so glad she's not dead bc I thought we were going to get a cover up after last week's episode

When Sue Ellen said her old friend was Ken Richards, I thought she said Kim Richards at first...lol

Dang, that Emma sure gets around now that Daddy isn't watching her. I wonder how long before she makes a play for Christopher. Elena's bro kinda reminds me of Jon Snow from Game of Thrones

I hope Christopher is vindicated soon. I don't like how all this is being blamed on him. Oh look Sue's guy uncovered it

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y'know, I cringed when I heard about Lee Majors being cast. Granted, it's not a huge role, but I was surprised at how comfortable he seemed.

Guess I forgot he could do more than use his bionic arm or fall from moving trucks...lol.

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Just finished watching Episode 10 where Rebecca loses the twins....so heartbreaking. I knew it was probably gonna happen and it still destroyed me. I wonder where they're gonna take the character from here? At some point she'll have to find out that her own father was behind this tragedy.

At first I found Cliff amusing but after this last episode he's clearly insane. Just a complete psychopath who's been obsessed with JR and the Ewings for decades. I'll never root for him at all after what he just did to his own daughter.

I don't care about Harris Ryland or his crazy mother. That entire storyline is just boring as hell. Rebecca's mom (Afton I think?) was just flawless and fit in so well IMO. Loved her interactions with Rebecca and the Ewing boys. I was blown away by the acting on the person who plays Rebecca. She showed some true raw emotion in those scenes.

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This was a really good episode and I lie Christopher and John Ross as a team. I am not sure how Pam's lawyers when pronounced dead didn't see to it that Christopher got his inheritance but ok. Also, when Rebecca died there was no such thing as Barnes Global since Cliff had no money to speak of that was his own. If only Katherine would show up, that would make this show must see TV.

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