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Actor Exits OLTL !

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Maybe not, but I have to believe they feel the pressure of not being what society considers ideal for men. I don't think the body image situation is going to get better for women anytime soon. But as someone else said, I think the pressure on men has increased greatly over the last several years. I'm sure there are a ton of societal influences behind this, but either way, it's pretty sad.

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I'm definitely a little surprised because Buddy's character, whether you like him or not, has some very strong ties to the show. I feel like Cole is a necessary character. It would make sense to throw his character in jail for beating Todd, but I feel like they may have to recast him in the future.

Now James and Starr make much more sense now that Cole is out of the picture.

Sad to see him go.

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So he definitely decided to leave because of the weight? Has he really gained that much? (Honest question. I haven't seen the kid in years.) Is it possible that he just decided to call it quits and get out while the getting is good? ABCD is a pretty toxic workplace. Maybe he wants to try his luck at something else.

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I think it's the latter. He had gotten a role on some show last year but ABC wouldn't let him out of his contract to do it. He just wants to move on to bigger and better things. His weight was never THAT much of an issue, at least to me it wasn't.

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So he lost other opportunities because he was shackled to OLTL? Well then it makes perfect sense for him to quit. People made it sound like ABC sent him to a fat farm or something. How long has he been with the show? 5-6 years? Think of what he's seen in that time: dropping ratings, two insipid musicals, two (three?) writing regimes and impending cancellation. Why wouldn't he move on? If things don't work out, he's still young enough to go to school and get a degree in something valuable.

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Though certainly not in a stereotypical sense, Brandon Buddy is an attractive guy. What's unique about his looks may make him interesting to some, and maybe not interesting to those who are into conventional, text-book "hunk" traits.

As for his physique, no, he's not channeling Cameron Mathison. You know, personally, I think CM's body is less attractive than BB's? Because it's so mind-numbingly defined, it's practically an anatomical freak show. (No offense to CM, who I'm sure is a great guy.) Same goes for John Paul Lovoisier, whose lower abs protrude as if he has a severe hernia....

(And I'm not getting into the female vs. male actor debate here, because I think the stance over physicallity is wrong toward BOTH genders... and I'm not sure why people would fight it when they should be on the same side.)

But BB is exactly the kind of guy, physically, that if you run into him in real life, most people will find attractive. By far, most of those "bloggers" (or posters) who are picking on him? I know they'll claim the contrary - but I seriously doubt, if the opportunity miraculously presented itself, that they'd actually pass on the chance at taking a ride on the Buddy train. I'm pretty sure most of them would jump at the opportunity to make use of that "chest" that was mentioned earlier.

Let's put it this way: We're living in a world where Perez Hilton criticizes other people... sometimes, even for their looks.

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Oh no no no, I don't think anyone thinks this has to do with his weight gain, that subject just came up becasue he tweeted about not looking in shape not too long ago. It was just a couple of tweets under his latest announcement.

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Yeah, exactly. I just brought up the weight issue because of some of his other tweets. I don't think it had anything to do with him leaving or anything like that. I hope there isn't any confusion...I hope to God there isn't any confusion because you just know how fast [!@#$%^&*] travels in daytime.

But I will admit...if I'm in the checkout line and I see a mag with "BUDDY TOO BIG FOR ONE LIFE?" sprawled across the top of the cover, I will feel at least some sense of accomplishment :lol:

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What talents? She had 1 good week in November 2008 when she held Todd at gunpoint for keeping her hostage for months and keeping her away from her son which she won her emmy for. Other than that shes not that great anymore and an overall boring character. Good riddance Marty and her collection of scarfs.

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Brandon Buddy (Cole) is leaving ONE LIFE TO LIVE! The actor announced the news via Twitter on Friday night that "It's a bitter sweet day. Today I decided I'm not going to resign. No more Llanview." In related news, AS THE WORLD TURNS' Evan Alex Cole (Hunter) tweeted earlier that morning that he was auditioning for a contract role on OLTL. ABC has no comment regarding Buddy's announcement.


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