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Actor Exits OLTL !

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Why did it take him so long to respond? You mean in this digital age that nobody contacted him? You'd think he'd want to clear this up ASAP. And for SOD to post about it, there had to have been some truth to it. Either he was using it as a bargining chip or he leaked his exit before the show was ready. No way he was hacked. That's a lameass excuse.

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I'm not saying its impossible for anyone to get hacked, but it is impossible for Brandon Buddy to have been hacked. This is a huge announcement and he's a popular actor that gets tons of screentime. If this was truly an issue with hacking he would've responded sooner. His castmates, the producers, somebody would've contacted him. Hell, the press would have.

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I agree. It is suspect. If Buddy was hacked, we would have gotten a statement from him and/or ABC much quicker. The story spread over the soaps boards/blogs like wildfire so why did it take him so long to respond?

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Not really, he doesn't even have a verified account w/ twitter. Odds are he was told about it, and when he went to log in he couldnt because said hacker changed his password/login. He (or his manager/ppl/show) would have to contact twitter, prove it is his account, and then get new log in info. This isnt Brad Pitt we are talking about. A similar situation happened with either a degrassi star or someone from an abc family show.

Regardless, i doubt he was hacked. He is prob on his way out n the show tripped that he announced it before they were ready.

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A few months ago she took a picture and posted it on myspace giving the middle finger to the posters on the OLTL board who all hate her, myself included. She then gave a sorry ass excuse for an apology. Strange how no one at ABC has mentioned this.

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It would be funny and pathetic if this was all a publicity stunt. I keep flashing back to the Todd execution and the "exit interview" TSJ gave. Of course that was through network channels. No I'm not saying it IS but it would be funny.

Nah, the kid just jumped the gun and thought he was in charge of his own communications. Which brings me back to a larger question: do none of these actors have people looking out for them?! Managers? Agents? PR folks? Friends who'll grab their Blackberrys out of their hands when they're updating Twitter and say "Dude, why don't you let your lawyer take care of that? Hey Cinnamon! My buddy here would like a lap dance!" We aren't talking about Lindsay Lohan levels of fame here. They can't be surrounded by yes-men, can they? There's got to be someone in their circle who can say, "That's a bad idea."

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