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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Well, we can get a little more insight in their Bravo blogs. Adrienne said she would've handled things differently had she known the whole story and/or had actually been there on Game Night to see the events unfold. She said she wouldn't have had pressured Brandi to apologize the way she did.

Yes, Dana is just an annoyance, plain 'n simple. Just one of those grating personalities where you just wanna squeeze their head until it pops.

Kyle continues to apologize and feels bad and takes responsibility for her own actions. I just like her, Mean Girl that she may be. She's a lil [!@#$%^&*]-starter but I love her. smile.png

Kyle said in her blog that she didn't like how Camille said in the confessionals that she was the target of Kyle last year, because as we all know, that wasn't the case. Camille read into something that wasn't so and refused to believe that she had misheard what Kyle said and kept the drama going. And that Dinner Party from Hell was a total "set up", a phrase Camille loved to use at the reunion last year. So it's no surprise she's flying under the radar this year. But yes, now she's just become insignificant. Kind of like ATL's Sheree during the latter half of last season.

Kim reminds me of a close friend I finally broke away from recently, who just seems to be coddled and babied by others around him, because he refused to grow the eff up and take ownership of being an adult. He still thinks of himself as a kid with no responsibilities and no consequences for their actions, verbal or physical, and for some reason, his enabler friend always made excuses for him. I see that in Kim and Kyle (and, well, the rest of the housewives). Kim says and does weird zany stuff, says rude comments, behaves off the charts, and it's excused for whatever reason.

I can't believe I'm so into this [!@#$%^&*] LOL

Edited by Gray Bunny
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I enjoy RHONJ, RHOBH and RHOATL, The others are so-so.

Theresa. My theory about why she's gone so balls to the wall bitch is she's doing it to fix her and her husbands finances. Stirring crap makes you more appealing to the magazines. Talking crap in a book sells more books. I didn't think I would like her family members more than her at the beginning of this season but that is how it worked.

Kyle has a functioning brain. Kim doesn't. I somewhat excuse Kim's behavior because of that big difference, she's clearly become mentally challenged for some reason or another. Kyle, on the other hand, enabling and encouraging her sisters stupidity this season? Sigh. Lisa is almost as bad. I don't like saying that about Lisa especially after that great dishwasher line, lol. Maybe it's because Brandi is friends with her former pool boy? Save Dana the pathetic lap dog follower, I can at least tell occasionally that the other woman sense something is wrong with what's going on from Kyle and Kim's end.

Camille is boring this season. I still like her, hopefully she gets a personality outside of Kelsey's bitter ex next season and maybe stirs some crap too.

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Teresa was just like this from the start. This is likely who she always has been and will be. People just didnt see it at first because Danielle was her target nad Danielle was hated.

I get where Kyle is coming from. She has really become her older sisters mother. She is trying to protect her, but a;; shes doing is enabling her. Lisa doesnt bother me at all with her Brandi hate, because Kyle is her RHBestFriend.

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I didn't dislike Danielle like others, at least not at first. I felt they were ALL ganging up on her not just Teresa despite table-throwings and pushing Andy down. From what her friends and family are saying, she's been like this for a while (the bitter jealousy she holds by accusing everybody of ripping her and her husband off in some way or another when they a achieve success) to a point so I can't argue with what you're saying at heart - but I think it's blown up bigger due to certain factors including the show going to her head and the money issues.

I do get your best-friend point, but right now Kyle sucks on-screen so by clique association so does Lisa - at least when she's around Kyle. When she's not, she's still pretty cool.

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I read two things about the Tre/Dina/Caroline clusterfuck which, if true, put an interesting spin on the whole mess. First, Dina's blog:


Then there came this very interesting blind item:


Person 1 = Teresa.

Person 2 = Dina.

Person 3 = Caroline.

Person 1 is going to engage in a competition which could raise a lot money for a charity = Teresa on The Apprentice.

Person 2's fave charity = Project Ladybug.

Edited by Cat
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I'm guessing Dina and Caroline's strained relationship will be resolved once Caroline is no longer on the Housewives series. Dina is definitely smart (and okay, a user) in using Teresa's friendship for her benefit in hopes that Tre will choose Project Ladybug as the charity she's playing for on Celebrity Apprentice.

Jacqueline a stripper? Big effin' deal. So was Camille, NeNe, and half the other housewives. Next...

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As far as I'm concerned Lisa is unimpeachably fabulous. I don't care if she lights Brandi's cast on fire while drowning Kim in Adrienne's kitchen sink, the woman is brilliant.

Brandi's never going to be Lisa's BFF because of the Cedric connection. And to be frank I don't think Lisa is blindly loyal to Kyle, Lisa's British, she's always going to see through a lot of the bullshit that the other women don't.

Lisa's lived in MONACO for God's sake, all of these women are backwood hicks compared to the people she's mingled with over the years.

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And I never do any of that "+1" because I think it's a waste of space :)

I think that as of this moment, what we're seeing play out onscreen, that Lisa and Adrienne merely don't have all their facts of how the night really played out. They can only go by what people are telling them, even if it is one-sided. And if Camille, Taylor, or Dana are too chickensh-t to explain how it all went down in a non-biased 3rd party point-of-view, that's not Lisa nor Adrienne's fault.

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