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Yolanda pointed out how all Lisa has said fir awhile now is how hurt she was by Kyle, how Kyle is fake, how her husband is a user, etc etc and now that she's fallen out with Brandi suddenly they are her besties again. Brandi also pointed out how Lisa had Scheena work the party and when she didn't have a big reaction Lisa tried to push her to go talk to get again and how calculated it was. Both are right. Lisa is smart and knows what she's doing but I'm glad there'sppl calling her out. It's also clear Lisa and kyles renewed friendship didn't last. Shocker.

BH brings the best blogs.

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Okay, I have to say this upfront and I know none of you will believe it, but it's the truth. I went into this 100% ready to hate Nene and think she was wrong, based on what you guys were saying. And I'm sorry, I just do not see it…at all.

I guess I'll just jump in with the homophobic stuff - really? I think it's a huge reach and stretch to try and imply that Nene Leakes is homophobic. She's a lot of things, but I do not think or believe for a MINUTE that she is homophobic (nor does she think "gays are below her" - come on now, what the [!@#$%^&*]?). She's also not stupid. She knows two gay men are responsible for her success and I don't think she would ever say anything that she meant in a derogatory fashion. Yes she called Brandon a queen. Was it necessary and PC? No - but do we not remember just two years ago when Andy himself told Marlo to call people queens and not f-gs?Nene was never gonna do anything to make Andy mad, she's very smart. It was unnecessary of Nene but it hardly makes her a homophobe. She just appeared on a giant float in a gay pride parade a few months ago, the gay-hating bitch!

As for blaming Kenya, I think it is VERY telling that not one of the other ladies defended Kenya. Like Nene said, they are all in agreement about the situation and doesn't that say something? Whether more happened that didn't make the cut, or whether we saw everything, the fact of the matter is, these women all seem to agree that Kenya's mouth and actions set this into action.

You can argue and say "oh well of course they agree with Nene, they dislike Kenya" but please remember, they aren't friends with Nene either. Sure, Cynthia is but Nene just humiliated Porsha at an event last week and made it clear they aren't close anymore so it's not like Porsha would be ride or die for Nene. Kandi and Nene don't get a long at all, and she was on Nene's side and said as much. Phaedra acknowledged Apollo's part in it and STILL agreed with Nene. To me, that's very telling. Most of these ladies do not have a reason to ride for Nene and take Nene's side. There's nothing for them to gain from it, yet there they were. Especially Kandi. She and Nene dislike each other and she DOES get along with Kenya, yet she was siding with Nene. Very suspect, if you ask me.

Is Nene lily white? No, she stirs [!@#$%^&*] like it's a profession. But we all know the producers wrote those questions. This stems back to CYNTHIA, who has really shown her ass this year, running her mouth. But Kenya's choice to involve her irrelevant self into someone else's "marriage" caused this whole issue. There is plenty of blame to be spread around, but Kenya is responsible for most of it.

Another thing - Kenya is super great at doing these sassy, "shady" reads in her talking heads but she cannot, CANNOT, defend herself in person. Like Phaedra said, her mouth writes checks her ass can't cash.

Here's my breakdown:

Nene - She has a right to be mad at Kenya, and I probably would be to. Is she blameless? No - she was looking for verbal sparring and tea spillage, but cannot be blamed for what happened. She gets points IMO for defending Kandi. And JP, you can question her motives but while they were having tea, Nene yet *again* defended Kandi and threw Mal under the bus. VERY telling.

Kenya - She needs to own her [!@#$%^&*]. Yes, Christopher grabbed you. Should he have? No. But what man was going to sit there and watch someone charge (yes, charge) at his wife? He didn't handle it correctly but Kenya blew it out of proportion and so did Brandon - though I respect him for defending her.

Kandi - Flawless. Her getting turnt was great and I love that she was a big enough person to admit it and apologize. Love that she sees Kenya's to blame as well.

Phaedra - Love her loyalty to Kandi. She should have read Apollo a bit more about his involvement, for sure.

Porsha - Not super relevant this week, but I appreciated her trying to diffuse the situation at the tea.

Cynthia - Showed her ass and looks terrible this season. She talks a lot, and throws MAD shade, but never owns it. She's been doing it for years if you think about it and it's finally catching up to her.

Cannot wait for next week, I wonder what has Nene and Peter going at it.

First thoughts: Why the [!@#$%^&*] is Marlo at the salon with Kenya? The two made it clear at that point they were NOT friends. At that time she was Nene's friend and it is not appropriate for her to be hanging out with Kenya like that, or at least that's how it comes across based on the preview. Shady shady.

Edited by Mr. Vixen
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You can not be homophobic but say homophobic things. Queen I can give her a pass on. But miss Brandon? The other things? She wasn't saying them in a pro light. She made digs at him using his sexuality to make him less than a man when the real boys there who don't deserve to be called a man were Christopher and apolo and Peter.

Just because it's what everyone believes doesn't make it right. The general feeling online, twitter/fan site comments/blogs are that nene fostered an atmosphere and made this acceptable. So by your logic she is to blame.

Nene sure as hell didn't point blank tell Cynthia mal did in fact come at Kandi and push her. She may not have thrown kandi under the bus but she didn't really back her either. Her goal was to ensure that Kenya and Kenya alone was to blame.

It's interesting that nene was so affectionate and friendly with the two men who came at women at her party and said not a word to them about what they did. I think that's the most telling thing about her.

And her social media silence is due to her being called out for the first time ever.

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She called Brandon Kenya's "girlfriend"

She said he had no business defending Kenya to Christopher.

When Kenya said NeNe would have wanted her man to defend her NeNe said "That's not your man" and she did mean something slick by because he's gay.

She said "Ms. Brandon" got up in his "big red ball gown"

She was throwing shade at him being gay and trying to devalue him as a man.

Looking at this preview for next week http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-atlanta/season-6/videos/kenya-gets-the-cold-shoulder

NeNe is so disrespectful and vile on the inside.

I actually could forgive her if she acknowledged her wrongs but she called Brandon the same names in her blogs last week so she clearly feels nothing wrong with what she said.

They aren't riding for NeNe they are ganging up against Kenya to make her the scapegoat. Kandi and Phaedra are cordial with Nene they haven't had any beef all season. Yes they've gotten into it in the past but they clearly respect each other as co-workers at this point. They are trying to make Kenya look bad to deflect from their f-ckery.

Nobody said she hates gays but the fact she is running to devalue Brandon as a man because he is gay is very telling.

LOL @ her not acknowleding Peter pushing Brandon or Apollo's animal ass grabbing Brandon by the throat.

Edited by Eric83
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It still doesn't look like Kenya is charging to me. *shrugs*

That said, I think everyone kinda shares that blame. But I don't think most of the blame is at Kenya's feet.

Now...Apollo...wrong for that.

Kandi...Drag that B...talking about s*it she don't even understand.

Not really liking Cynthia this year and she was great in Season 5. And love her hair in the preview on Bravo site.

Nene...child...I got nothing. But she is bringing drama.

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Kandi: "Nobody cares about Ani, lets be clear. We dont care about her" laugh.png YES! Aint no one give a f-- about some faceless irrelevant bitch. Natalie trying to backpeddle. You WERE implying that Todd was an oppurtunist even if that word didnt come out your mouth

LOL at how Porsha hightailed it out of there

Mynique, STFU! Now you trying to talk? Girl, bye!


LOL...this bitch...love her!


WTF did Mallorie push Todd? She helped escalate that drama when she put her hands on Kandi. I had to rewind bc I missed her putting hands on her. You will beat Kandi's ass? Girl, you better watch your ass! I wanted to see Kandi drag her in that bitch. Glad we finally learned her set her up like that.

Carmen's back! I was wonderin why her ass just dissapeared.

Brandon didnt file charges bc of those babies. Thats exactly why I wouldnt either. I guess Im a sucker, bc I was just thinking what something like that would do to the family and those children.

Phaedra...you look like a moron, especially knowing now what has gone down with Apollo

Nene referring to Brandon as girfriend, queen, she, etc... is NOT cool. She's not a homophobe but she has alot of gay friends. She's throwing those digs around ONLY bc he is gay and she's trying to devalue him as a man. She's a mean bitch.


Kandi looking like she's gonna drag this bitch. Cynthia was TOO turned up. She should have came apologetic or at the very least not as defensive. Who'd have thought that Porsha would be making the most sense at that table?

Next week is MARLO!

Edited by Cheap21
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Why am i not suprised? LOL, I didnt expect you to go in and hate on Nene.


she didnt do that for free. I dont think she is a homophobe but what she has been saying has been homophobic and those digs were made bc of his sexuality. There is no defending such nastiness.

not me. I thought it might be Carmen or Kenya early on in this season and after the first episode of the event, I thought it would be Peter

well I think you can. She said awful things which I called out for what they were, but I defiantly don't think she is a homophobe. She was just being stupid and intentionally trying to be mean. I don't feel she has a hate or fear for gays

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Kandi was right when she said that when you're breaking up a fight you own your own people back, not the other side because that comes off as aggressive and escalates things. I don't understand why they don't acknowledge this in regards to Kenya. If Christopher wanted to protect his wife he should've stood in front of her and not grabbed Kenya. I'm glad the producers clearly showed the flashback of him grabbing her. Malorie needed her ass beat as well. I can't wait to see my baby Marlo next week. Nene is clearly acting a fool. I see that episode being the beginning of her downfall. It's coming.

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THANK YOU! Im sick of the double standards when it comes to Kenya. No one said that Chris should have went to Natalie instead of grabbing Kenya. No its all Kenya's fault for walking, oh my bad, charging her. Really? Yes Im glad we saw the flashbacks as Nene looked really STUPID for saying Chris never touched her. Im glad Porsha spoke up with the truth even though she don't like Kenya

As for Mal, it was definetly aggressive. She said she was going to beat Kandi's ass....for what? She was acting crazy for no reason. LMAO at Carmen saying Kandi sounded like Mama Joyce. Imagine if mama and daughter ever ganged up on someone? LOL at that mess

I thought of you when I saw Marlo. You got so hyped saying she was going to appear in every episode through reunion and she's been MIA since like 3 weeks ago! The previews don't look like much but I hope she gets more involved this time and doesn't end up like another Lexis or Mynique. I need her to be a Mallorie or Natalie, getting in the thick of things

Edited by Cheap21
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