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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Joanna is thirsty. People love to peg Adriana as the witch but Ho-anna is the real one. Lea too.

Marysol . . . -_- Her bringing that video of her dad in the hospital was pointless. Marysol needs to stop playing victim and get nasty with Lea like Ana & Adriana did.

Lisa . . . Moron. Her hatred for Alexia is dumb. All her anger should be directed towards Joanna. Even Lea, who uses Joanna as her mouthpiece and tosses Lisa to the side.

All the times that Ana came up tonight just solidifies how relevant she is and how she should've been on this season. Besides Alexia & Adriana, she's the only woman that can go toe to toe with Lea.

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I hate that they reminded me of DC with that article. The DC ladies weren't boring or guarded, they just weren't stupid and crazy. Had they taken the 4 sane housewives and added one or two new ones, they could've had a successful series out of the shadow of the White House stuff. The main reason they were so quick to let it go is because they were coming off of Beverly Hills being a breakout series and they probably thought they could continue in that mold. In the long term it was stupid to cancel DC.

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LOL. They showed a pic of her first husband (the one who was meant to go to jail for 25 years for coke dealing) and looked like Ayrton Senna, incredibly handsome. Then there's Herman. Yeah, I donlt think there is much going on in the bedroom. OTOH, I think Alexia married the first time for love and got seriously burned as a result. She is probably willing to trade all that in for some security.

I felt bad for Lisa because Joanna was vicious towards her, and she pissed off Alexia, too. But girl sometimes comes back for more. She needs to pick her battles because she is overstretched at this point. Interesting that Lea did not jump to LIsa's defence when Joanna was smugly threatening her.

Adriana is stunning. The work she had done is amazing.

Ana has fallen out with Marysol? This is why she needs to be back on the show.

Really sad to hear about Mama Elsa not understanding what Reunion means anymore.

Going to miss the Miami HWs, even though this season did so poorly in the ratings.

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As a Joanna fan, I was highly disappointed in her. Not sure if I can say Im a fan after that reunion. She was ugly and it wasnt a good look for her.

I wish I had posted while watching bc I forgot most of the thoughts I had.


Porsha stay throwing shade at Kordell being gay. She keeps saying it without actually saying it

LMAO at Kenya's twerking song. She's so stupid. Her scenes in the house, while funny, were a waste of time. IA'd with her cousin that said she just looked crazy. It didn't get good till the final segment when the cops got called on her and she got serious. "Now twirl on that!" That was a good line and good way to close the show

Cynthia's so dramatic! "It feels like I got hit by a train and a bus and a car and then run over by a bike"

I could listen to Aiden speak all day long. He is the best thing abut Phaedra's boring ass storyline

Does anyone know for a fact if Marlo will be appearing on this season? I know some said she would be on last season bc she was at a party but just bc you are at an event doesn't mean you will be on tv as evident by her absence

ETA: I forgot to mention but Porshais one of those chicks that's not supposed to do anything but look pretty . And she does it do well but lord jealous then she opens up her mouth. I think JP put it best when he said he feels dumber after listening to her bc I can't begin to tell you how many brain cells I feel as if I've lost

Edited by Cheap21
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Kandi and Kenya also confirmed Marlo for this season. Marlo actually has a contract so Bravo won't be paying her for nothing. She's in the promo photos that Bravo released, from a trip the girls took where Lexis will also appear. And of course the big fight with Kenya and Nene later in the season.

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So does anyone think that maybe they are doing for RHoA what they usually do for RHoBH when it has all the storylines gradually build to big confrontations? It seems like that to me. If it results in a RhoV Season1 payoff, I'm down.

Ready for my girl Marlo though.

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I actually do believe the Phaedra Apollo drama and I feel more went on between Kenya and Apollo than we're being told. I don't think they kissed or had sex, but I believe they were texting each other and that inappropriate things were said. I absolutely believe that. Kenya doesn't want to be seen as a homewrecker so I don't think she'll reveal it because in order to do that she'd have to show that she was complicit as well.

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